Main navigation
- P-000 How to Draft a Policy
- P-001 Purpose of Policy Manual
- P-002 Compliance with Federal, Provincial, and HRFE Policies
- P-004 Vacation Process
- P-006 Firefighter & Family Assistance Program (FFAP)
- P-007 Use of Regional Vehicles
- P-009 Notification of Death or Serious Injury
- P-010 Fire Service Funerals
- P-014 Employee Status Change Form
- P-015 Subpoena,court duty,Jury Duty
- P-016 Temporary Transfers between divisions
- P-017 Reporting of Absences
- P-018 Personal Information Forms-FDM
- P-019 Clothing and Appearance
- P-020 Rules & Regulations
- P-022 Workplace Rehabilitation Program
- P-024 On the Job Injury
- P-025 Response to accidents involving hrfes vehicles
- P-027 Fire & Emergency Service Chaplaincy Program
- P-031 Exit Interviews
- P-032 Discipline
- P-033 Ride Along, Fire School Program
- P-037 Mandatory Retirement
- P-039 Volunteer milestone, etc
- P-040_Volunteer_Appeal
- P-041 Fire Service Vehicles in Parades and community Events
- P-042 Leave of Absence-Volunteers
- P-043 Total Authorized Complement
- P-044 Participation requirements for Active Membership Status for Volunteer Fire Fighters
- P-045 Volunteer Fire Fighter Support Positions
- P-046 Volunteer Honorarium Program
- P-047 Volunteer Officer Stipend
- P-048-Social Network Sites
- P-050 Facility Access Control
- P-051 Volunteer Members- Meal Purchase
- P-052 Volunteer Awards Accounts
- P-053 Volunteer Recruit Applicants - Prior Training Assessment
- P-054 Volunteer Retirement with Highest Achieved Rank
- P-055 Volunteer Participation Requirements and Honorarium Program
- P-201 Releasing File Information
- P-203 Investigation
- P-204 Case , File Management
- P-205 Display Fireworks and Pyrotechnics Special Effects
- P-302 Burning of standing Structures
- P-303 Return to work-training
- P-304 Assessment of Vehicle Operations
- P-401 Safety Practices at Electrical Installations
- P-404 Lock Out of Motor Vehicles
- P-405 Entry Assistance to Dwellings
- P-406 Flying of Flags at Fire Stations
- P-407 Vehicle Towing
- P-409 Critical Incident Stress
- P-410 Post Incident Analysis
- P-412 overtime call-in procedure-core suppressions
- P-413 Shift Exchange
- P-414 Vacation Exchange
- P-416 resetting of fire alarms
- P-419 Use of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
- P-420 Bulk Water Deliveries
- P-421 Vehicle Equipment Checklist
- P-423 Responsibilties at Medical Incident
- P-424 First arriving crew-less than 4
- P-501 Detailed Vehicle Inspection
- P-502 Lending of Fire Department Equipment small appliances and Tools
- P-600 Reporting Safety Concerns
- P-601 Health and Safety Information
- P-603 Emergency operation of Vehicles
- P-604 Safe Operation of Vehicles
- P-606 WHMIS
- P-607 Personal Protective Equipment
- P-608 Protective Clothing in Living Areas
- P-609 Contractors Working on Fire Department Property
- P-611 Workplace Exposure to Carbon Monoxide
- P-614 Accident Reporting & Investigation
- P-801 Volunteer Officer Selection DRAFT approved by VFC 160125