Date of Issue: 1997/09/03
Revision Date: 1999/09/30; 2000/07/07; 2000/09/06; 2001/02/01
Forms Required:
• FP-189-Application to View File
To establish a policy that shall be followed regarding the release of file information.
To ensure file information is properly released.
This policy applies to those whom release file information.
The Manager of Public Education and Fire Prevention, or designate, shall be informed of all requests for the release of file information, including fire investigation reports.
Upon receiving a request from the public regarding verification of an incident that the Fire Service had responded to, a letter shall be compiled verifying requested information if available.
Registered owner or registered owner’s agent may view a Property File listed to the owner. The agent must have valid written permission from the owner to view any Property File(s). Written notes may be made by the individual viewing the file(s). A member of the Fire Prevention Division must be present while the property file is being viewed.
Property file(s) - or any portion of the property file(s) shall not be copied, nor will same be released, unless under a Court Order.
Incident/Investigation reports, including photos, may be viewed, and shall be noted on Form FP189 ‘Application to View File’ by the following:
• Home owner, building owner or designate.
• Third party interest; e.g., Insurance Agents, Adjustment Agencies, Social Services, Tenancy Board.
Incident/Investigation reports that are under investigation, or have been deemed suspicious, shall not be released without first consulting with HRM Legal Counsel prior to any information being released.
Any information between Fire Prevention and the HRM- Legal Department will not be released.
In reference to working in cooperation with the Police Service, copies of fire incident/investigations may be given to those departments depending on the incident; e.g. arson.
The agency investigating the incident, or a Legal representative for the Property owner or tenant, may obtain a copy of the report c/w photos as per the fee schedule which shall be determined by the Fire Prevention Division.
Any or all file information may be subpoenaed by the court which would overrule any internal policy in reference to releasing files/information.
To obtain information on Fire Marshal’s reports, permission must be obtained from the Provincial Fire Marshal’s Office.
This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the process used to release file information.