P-016 Temporary Transfers between divisions

Date of Issue:  1997/09/03


To inform personnel that this opportunity exists and the factors that are considered to determine eligibility for transfer.


To ensure appropriate transfers between divisions when transfers are requested.


This policy applies to career firefighters.


Applications will be accepted by the member’s Chief Officer/Manager of the Respective Division at any time from any individual who feels that he/she would like to work in another Division for a period of time. It is felt that the opportunity to work with other Divisions of the Fire Service would benefit the individual as well as the Division involved.


  • How the temporary transfer would affect manpower on shift.
  • The need for personnel within the Division being applied for.
  • The length of time being applied for.
  • Such other conditions that may, from time to time apply.


This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the factors considered for eligibility for transfers between divisions.