Date of Issue: 2002/01/09; 2003/05/02, 2004/04/05
Forms Required:
• FD- 055 Request for Extension Beyond Mandatory Retirement Age
To establish a retirement policy for all members of the Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE).
To ensure members of HRFE are aware of the process of mandatory retirement.
All career and volunteer members of the Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency.
Retirement is mandatory at Age 60. Specifically, retirement is mandatory on the first day of the calendar month coincident with or next following the date on which the individual attains age 60. All fulltime employees are required to comply with the department’s mandatory retirement policy. This applies to all members of the HRFE including operational and support roles.
Employees wanting to maintain their employment past the age of 60 must request an extension, from the Chief Director, 6 months prior to their normal retirement date, by submitting a Request for Extension Beyond Mandatory Retirement Age, Form No. FD-055.
Volunteer Firefighters who are in operational roles, and want to maintain their active operational status past the age of 60, will request an extension, in writing, to the Chief Director or designate Note: A designate may be their Fire Chief.
Volunteer firefighters may remain in support functions within their volunteer organizations.
1. Extensions will be granted, provided the employee meets the medical requirements necessary to meet full operational duties.
2. Extensions will be granted for one (1) year. Subsequent extensions must be requested a minimum of three (3) months in advance of the completion of the previous extension.
3. A fitness for duty assessment is required for each extension and will be conducted by a physician of Management’s choice.
4. In the event an employee is unable to perform the functions of their job in respect of which a retirement extension has been granted, all benefits under the collective agreement, except for extended sick leave benefits, shall continue until the expiry of the extension period.
• P-801 Volunteer Fire Fighter Support Positions
This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments made to the current mandatory retirement process.