Issued By: FIRE PREVENTION (D. Burnet)
Approved By:Fire Chief William H. Mosher
Date of Issue: 2009/05/29
Revision Date: 2011/08/25
Forms Required:
• FD‐ 004 ‐ Investigation Report
• FP‐155 ‐ Photo Log
• FP‐249Rev1 ‐ Post Fire Questionnaire
• FP‐367 Property Release
To provide a process to ensure compliance with the Fire Safety Act requirements for “investigation and reporting fires”.
To ensure the most cost effective manner is utilized and to ensure the maintenance of all evidence and other pertinent information in a secure, clear, concise manner that will allow it to be analyzed to develop programs and procedures which will help alleviate the fire threat.
This policy applies to career and volunteer members of HRFE.
Within 24 hours following a fire, the Incident Commander shall investigate, or cause to investigate, the origin, cause, and circumstances of every fire by which property has been destroyed or damaged within the Municipality.
The initial stages of all investigations are the responsibility of the Platoon Chief / Volunteer Fire Chief. This includes but is not limited to:
1. Collecting of statements from any potential witnesses at or around the scene.
2. Assigning personnel to take pictures as soon as resources are available.
3. Deciding which of the three (3) levels of investigation is required to meet the purpose of this policy.
4. Preserving the scene and protecting evidence until the investigation is complete.
5. Ensure ALL HRFE members complete the Post Fire Questionnaire (FP249Rev1) who attended scene.
6. If required, to provide/arrange security of the scene until an investigator is on site.
Note: No Fire Investigator shall, at any time, work alone on a fire scene. They shall use operational crews or call in another Investigator if required.
Level 3 Fire Investigation:
In the event of a minor fire, the Incident Commander (IC) shall conduct the investigation, or direct other qualified personnel to commence the investigation. The IC/station officer will ensure all required forms (Full Incident Report, Case Investigator Work Sheet, Photo Log, Electrical Panel Documentation, Floor Plan Sketch of the Fire Origin, Property Release Form, Post Fire Questionnaire), digital camera disk and paperwork is completed and included in the designated Fire Investigation Package Envelope which shall then be signed and delivered to Station 1 for filing. The IC shall also ensure all required information is entered into FDM before the end of the shift.
Level 2 Fire Investigation:
In the event of a fire being somewhat larger, complex or of a suspicious nature, and the Platoon Chief / Volunteer Fire Chief decides that contact with a Fire Investigator could assist with determining the cause or origin of the fire, he/she may authorize contact between the
Incident Commander and the Fire Investigator during day time hours (07:00 – 17:00) Monday to Friday. After these hours, weekends and holidays the IC may contact the investigator through Dispatch, for the purpose of the Fire Investigator(s) to attend the scene. Once the investigation is complete, the IC will ensure all required forms (Full Incident Report, Case Investigator Work Sheet, Photo Log, Electrical Panel Documentation, Floor Plan Sketch of the Fire Origin, Property Release Form, Post Fire Questionnaire), digital camera disk and paperwork is completed and included in the designated Fire Investigation Package Envelope which shall then be signed, sealed and delivered to Station 1 for filing. The IC shall also ensure all required information is entered into FDM within a week. In the event the IC requires a Fire Investigator to attend the scene please follow the steps for Level 1 Investigation.
Level 1 Fire Investigation:
In the event of a sudden death, major fire event, or a confirmed arson fire, the Fire Investigator shall be called through Dispatch. If a Fire Investigator is not available and Operations Officers are unable to conduct the investigation, security shall be placed on the property until a Fire Investigator is available or the investigation is turned over to the Fire Marshall’s Office.
Where there has been loss of human life or the Investigator believes the fire is incendiary or suspicious in nature, the investigator shall;
a) Notify Police immediately;
b) Notify the Fire Marshall within 24 hours following the fire.
• OG 3006 Overhaul Operations at Fire Scenes
• OG 4034 Fire Incidents Involving Canada Post Mail Boxes
• OG 4044 Command Modes-Structure Fires
This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the process of investigating and reporting fires.