P-041 Fire Service Vehicles in Parades and community Events

Approved By: Fire Chief William H. Mosher
Date of Issue: 2008/11/06


To clearly define the conduct of members when Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE) apparatus/vehicles are participating in parades, Show and Shine events, apparatus musters and any other community events.


The intent of this policy is to negate the liability of HRFE and HRM for injuries to our members and members of the public through the inadvertent or careless spraying of water.


This policy applies to all career and volunteer fire fighters with HRFE. 


HRFE members participating in parades and community events with Fire’s apparatus/vehicles shall not engage in distributing water from the vehicle or any water source on, attached or associated with the vehicle with the intent of wetting an individual(s).

It is the responsibility of the HRFE member, who is operating the apparatus/vehicle, to ensure that all participants on the vehicle are aware of this policy.

The only exception will be HRFE based events (e.g. barrel roll) where full PPE (except SCBA) is used by all participants.


•    P-019 Clothing & Appearance

This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments made to the conduct expected of career and volunteer fire fighters while at parades and community events.