Issued By: OPERATIONS (B. Turpin)
Approved By: Fire Chief William H. Mosher
Date of Issue: 2010/06/29
Forms Required:
• FD-115 Leave of Absence Documentation
• Employee Data Change Form (Green-Sheet)
To acknowledge that volunteer members of Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE) may need to take a Leave of Absence from the department for the purpose of medical leave, pregnancy, parental and adoption leave family leave and work related leave.
This policy establishes a procedure for any volunteer member to request a Leave of Absence and to ensure that the volunteer member understands that upon returning from a Leave of Absence it is their responsibility to ensure they are brought up to date on any changes within Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency and within their response area.
This policy applies to volunteer members of HRFE.
1) Any volunteer member may ask for a Leave of Absence from the Department. All requests for a Leave of Absence must be submitted in writing to the Station Chief using Form FD115 for consideration stating the reason for the request, the duration requested and any other pertinent information. This request shall not be unjustifiably withheld. If approved, the member on the Leave of Absence will remain included in the department's Authorized Complement.
2) Volunteer members on leave shall not receive honourarium credits during the time of the leave, nor shall events occurring during the period be used in calculating their participation levels.
3) Volunteer members on leave shall not participate in operational activities such as, but not limited to, training, fire prevention, or responses during the leave of absence.
4) Volunteer members shall apply for LOA in writing using the approve LOA Request form. When leave is granted the request form and an Employee Data Change form (green-sheet) shall be submitted via the Volunteer Zone Chief to the District Chief responsible for volunteer personnel issues. When a volunteer member returns to service an Employee Data Change form (green-sheet) shall be submitted to reactivate them to their former position.
5) Stipends shall be suspended for the duration of the LOA.
6) If the Leave of Absence is granted for more than three (3) months, the following Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency property assigned to that individual will be returned to the Station prior to commencement of the Leave: Full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), pager/radio, station keys, and HRFE ID card. The PPE will be stored until the volunteer member returns. Should the volunteer member not return at the end of the LOA they shall be terminated and all assigned clothing and equipment shall be returned to Logistics Division.
• Medical Leave: means the volunteer member is absent because he/she is sick or disabled. HRFE will require the volunteer member on medical leave to be approved for full operational duties by a physician appointed by HRFE before returning for duty. Such physicians shall report to HRFE only on the member's ability to report for work and to perform the required work. With respect to injury and sickness, the availability of suitable alternative duties will be determined by the Station Chief in consultation with the member and with health professionals.
• Pregnancy and Parental Leave: is a right for all volunteer members. Volunteer members shall be granted pregnancy leave in accordance with the provisions of the Labour Standards Code of the Province of Nova Scotia. The volunteer member may, at his/her option, commence pregnancy leave at any time during a period which commences sixteen (16) weeks before the expected date of delivery and which ends on the actual date of delivery. Alternative duties prior to starting a Leave of Absence are outlined in Policy P-030 Pregnancy Policy.
• Parent/ Adoption Leave: is a right for all volunteer members. Volunteer members shall be granted parental/adoption-leave in accordance with the provisions the Labour Standards Code of the Province of Nova Scotia. A volunteer member who becomes a parent through the birth of a child or the placement of a child in the care of the member for the purpose of adoption pursuant to the laws of the province or through
guardianship is entitled to a Leave of Absence. In the case of a new born child, a member may begin parental leave anytime following the birth of a child. In the case of the adoption of a child or guardianship, the member may begin parental leave, at the member's option, at any time required by the adoption agency or upon arrival of the child in the member's home.
• Family Leave: HRFE acknowledges that volunteer members may require a Leave of Absence to respond to family situations, including but not limited to: Illness or injury to a family member, bereavement leave and palliative care.
• Military or Job Related Leave: HRFE acknowledges that a volunteer members' employment may take them away from their duties for extended periods of time. Members on job related leave shall have the period of the leave deducted from their accumulated active service time. Members on military leave of absence from HRFE shall be credited with active time served for the duration of the leave of absence in accordance with federal legislation.
8) Returning from a Leave of Absence: It is the responsibility of the volunteer member returning from a Leave of Absence to complete the following within 30 days of their return:
• Review all current operational training standards;
• Review changes to any HRFE Policies and/or Operational Guidelines;
• To complete a manifest of each of the apparatus to become familiar with the placement of equipment and its’ operations;
• For Class III driver complete a Detailed Vehicle Inspection of at least one vehicle;
• For Class III driver an assessment of driving skills as per Policy P-304;
• Review Data Books that were issued during the leave period;
• Review Officer minutes that were issued during the leave period;
• Review Monthly Meeting Minutes that were issued during the leave period;
• Review Response Protocols.
9) The period of the leave shall not exceed six (6) months. In case of extenuating circumstances, a request for an extension of the leave will be determined on an individual basis by the Station Chief, if requested two weeks before the expiry of the current leave.
10) If the volunteer member on leave has not contacted the Station Chief by the time the approved Leave of Absence has expired, then it will be assumed that they have resigned. The volunteer member's name will be removed from the roster and they will be contacted by their Station Chief who will request that all property belonging to Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency that is in their possession be returned.
11) Volunteer Chiefs requesting a Leave of Absence shall follow the above process and they shall submit their request to the Assistant Deputy Chief responsible for Volunteers.
• P-030 Pregnancy Leave
• P-022 Workplace Rehabilitation Program
• P-046 Honorarium Program-Volunteers
• P-303 Return to work-Training
This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments made to Leave of Absence directions for volunteer HRFE members.