Issued By: SAFETY
Date of Issue: 1999/06/29
To state the organizational commitment by Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE) to providing members with information on their rights and responsibilities in regards to Occupational Health and Safety.
To ensure HRFE members have an understanding of their rights and responsibilities in regards to Occupational Health and Safety.
This policy applies to career and volunteer fire fighters of HRFE.
Copies of Legislation:
• Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency is committed to providing information on workplace rights and responsibilities to its members. Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency will provide a copy of the Nova Scotia Occupational Health and Safety Act, along with the Nova Scotia Department of Labour’s toll free number, to be posted in all stations, or other work locations. It is the responsibility of supervisory personnel to ensure that these documents remain posted at all times.
• Relevant regulations issued by the Nova Scotia Department of Labour will be available for reference purposes in all stations or at other work locations. It is the responsibility of supervisory personnel to ensure that these reference materials, when used are returned.
Copies of HRM Safety Manual:
• Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency will provide a copy of the Halifax Regional Municipality Safety Manual for all stations or other work locations. This manual is available for reference purposes in all stations or at other work locations. It is the responsibility of supervisory personnel to ensure that these reference materials, when used are returned.
Copies of Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency Services Policies and Guidelines:
• Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency are committed to providing Policies and Guidelines consistent with safe working practices and existing legislation. Copies of the Operating
• Guidelines and Policies will be provided for all stations or other work locations. It is the responsibility of supervisory personnel to ensure that these reference materials, when used are returned.
Copies of Halifax Regional Municipality’s Safety Policy:
• Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency in coordination with the corporate commitment to safety will provide a copy of the Halifax Regional Municipality’s
• Safety Policy Statement to be posted in all stations or other work locations. It is the responsibility of supervisory personnel to ensure that the current document remains posted at all times.
Copies of Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee Minutes:
• Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency will provide copies of minutes from the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee to all workplaces as defined by the Nova Scotia Department of Labour, under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Once these minutes have been reviewed by all personnel in the workplace, they are to be posted in the station or other work location. It is the responsibility of supervisory personnel to ensure that the current document remains posted at all times.
Copies of Reports, Orders, Recalls or other Health and Safety Information:
• Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency may from time to time issue other relevant Health and Safety information; or, copies of Reports or Orders issued by the Nova Scotia Department of Labour, Occupational Health and Safety Division; or, Safe Work Procedures for tasks not covered by Policy or Operating Guideline that occur infrequently; or, Health and Safety Alerts, product recalls; or, general safety information, such as posters, etc. This information is to be posted in the workplace in accordance with the notice or directions accompanying the information. It is the responsibility of the supervisory personnel to ensure that the information is posted and remains posted unless otherwise notified by the Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency or the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee, or the Nova Scotia Department of Labour, Occupational Health and Safety Division.
This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to member rights and responsibilities in regards to Occupational Health and Safety.