Issued By: Brian Gray
Approved By: Chief Stuebing
Date of Issue: 2005/05/20
Revision Date: 2018/10/23
Forms Required:
• FD-068 Vacation Exchange Form
To establish the procedure and timelines for the exchange of previously approved vacation days, by and between career members of HRFE.
To improve operational efficiency and provide consistency to members when exchanging vacation days.
Operational career members
HRFE recognizes that from time to time operational career members may wish to exchange selected vacation days with open vacation days, or exchange vacation days with other platoon members.
• Member(s) must submit a completed Vacation Exchange request (FD-068) via email to the Roster Coordinator, fourteen (14) days in advance of the scheduled vacation day for approval.
• After the fourteen (14) days notice, Vacation Exchanges will only be accepted by the Roster Coordinator up to 1200h on the shift before, or four (4) calendar days before the duty day for those on daywork. Approval will be based on Operational Requirements.
• After 1200h on the shift before, the Roster Coordinator is not authorized to process the Vacation Exchange and members must contact their respective Division Commander(s) directly. These requests are intended to be exceptional in nature and will only be approved based on operational requirements.
• When the Vacation Exchange is between two members, the member submitting the completed FD-068 to the Roster Coordinator must also copy the request to the departmental email of the second member to provide proof that both members are aware of the exchange
• Upon approval of any Vacation Exchange, the Roster Coordinator will notify the member(s) using their Departmental email(s), as well as process the exchange in the roster(s).
• It is the responsibility of the member(s) involved, to confirm that the Vacation Exchange is approved, as well as confirming any changes to work location, by checking the posted roster the shift before.
• Other than a member exchanging individual vacation days, Vacation Exchanges must take place between members of the same Platoon.
• A Vacation Exchange is a binding agreement between members and must occur.
• Vacation exchanges must take place within the current calendar year unless one of the members has an approved carry over vacation day. (must be used by March 31st)
• Members must have eligible vacation entitlement available to them to use vacation, unless approved by the Chief Director or designate.
• Vacation Exchanges will not be approved if either member is on extended sick leave, OJI or LTD.
• The number of vacation slots available to any Platoon is based on 16% of the Platoon’s strength:
o Not more than four (4) Officers may be off an any vacation day
o Eligible Vacation spots must be open to be selected
o When members change platoons, outstanding vacation selections will be adjusted as closely as possible to previous selections
• Officers may exchange vacation days with firefighters, provided it does not exceed the maximum allowable number of Captains permitted off.
• Approval of Vacation Exchanges will be based on operational requirements.
• Any time where only one vacation spot opens within a full block, the Roster Coordinator will post that vacation opening and award the seat based on seniority amongst those who applied, by 1200h, fourteen (14) days before the vacation day.
• If the vacation exchange cannot be completed due to changes in employment circumstances, such as promotion or changing of Platoon, then that vacation day will be opened and awarded as outlined above.
• In cases of unexpected immediate personal circumstances, the Division Commander, Division Chief or Manager of that employee may grant a request from an employee to select a day off and have such day charged to the employee’s vacation and/or time off in lieu of holidays. Such requests may be granted subject to operational requirements.
• In situations of termination or retirement, the Employer will deduct the value of the vacation taken but not earned from any monies owed to the employee other than pension.
This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes or amendments made to the procedure to exchange vacation days by individuals, or between Operational Career members.