Date of Issue: 1997/09/03
Forms Required:
• FD-023 Release Form-Entry Assistance to Dwellings
To protect Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE) from any liability should damage occur to a dwelling while our personnel are trying to gain entry to that dwelling.
To ensure career and volunteer fire fighter are able gain access to a dwelling during a fire and/or emergency.
This policy applies to career and volunteer HRFE members.
Form FD-023, Release Form Entry Assistance to Dwelling shall be signed by the owner, or tenant, before any assistance is rendered.
Be advised this- release is of no value unless signed by someone 19 years of age or older.
Police must be on scene before assistance is given. Police will check to ensure caller has proper identification, etc.
This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the process of gaining access to dwellings.