P-024 On the Job Injury

Date of Issue:  1999/05/19

Forms Required:   
•    F-012 Accident Report Form


To establish a policy regarding coverage for occupational injuries for members of IAFF Local 268.


To ensure the safety of Halifax Fire & Emergency members as well as their ability to access coverage if an injury should occur. 


This policy applies to members of IAFF Local 268.


Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency recognize that the Union has put in place, with an insurance carrier, coverage for occupational injuries for members of IAFF Local 268.


•    Injured personnel must immediately report injury to the Officer in Charge.

•    Officer in Charge completes insurance carrier report and submits report directly to the insurance carrier during the shift in which the injury occurred.

•    The Officer in Charge completes Accident Report Form (F012) and submits to the Manager of Safety during the shift in which the injury occurred.

•    After notifying the Officer in Charge the injured personnel must immediately proceed to a medical facility to obtain a Doctor’s assessment.

•    Officer in Charge must note the OJI and time of occurrence on the daily report. 
•    HRIS Staff will reduce the normal hours worked by the number of OJI Hours


•    The employer will reduce the employees pay for time on OJI by 20%.

•    The insurance company will issue the cheque for the time off in employee’s name.

•    The insurance carrier will ensure the cheque is signed by the employee and returned to Fire & Emergency within 30 days of the cheque being issued.

•    OJI begins once a member leaves the premises or is deemed unsuitable to return to work and is considered on OJI until deemed medically fit to return to work.

•    Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency Service will continue making the employer’s share of the pension contributions.

•    Members of Local 268 are responsible for submitting their share of the pension contributions while on OJI.


•    P-017 Attendance Management


This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments made by the union regarding coverage insurance for members of IAFF Local 268.