P-053 Volunteer Recruit Applicants - Prior Training Assessment

Issued By: Deputy Chief, Operational Support Roy Hollett
Approved By: Doug Trussler, Fire Chief
Date of Issue: 2014/04/15
Revision Date: 2015/09/30


Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency recognizes the value of previous training that volunteer applicants often bring with them. The HRFE Volunteer Recruit Training (VRT) program includes specific knowledge learning, skills training and skills practice for HRFE.

Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency recognizes the value of previous training that volunteer applicants often bring with them.  The Volunteer Recruit Training (VRT) program includes specific knowledge learning and skills training sessions.  It is important that all recruits, regardless of previous training, complete a comprehensive training & orientation program before we require them to perform structural firefighting duties. The certifications of volunteer applicants with previous training will be assessed and credit for prior learning for VRT training may be granted.


To assess and grant credit for prior training if applicable for volunteer firefighters. 


This policy applies to volunteer fire fighters with HRFE (specifically new recruits). 


The assessment process is:
1.    Applicants with previous firefighting training may submit their proof of certification for Level I Firefighting to the Volunteer Program Manager.  The Volunteer Program Manager will forward a copy of the certificate to the Division Chief of Professional Development, Training & Safety for assessment.

2.    Certifications for a Level I Structural Firefighting Program that meet the requirements of NFPA Standard 1001 “Standard for Firefighter Professional Qualifications” issued by HRFE, the National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (Pro Board) or the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) will be considered.

3.    The Division Chief of Professional Development, Training & Safety will determine if the applicant will be granted credit for prior learning.  If credit is granted, the VRT program for that applicant will be adjusted so that generic theory learning (not specific to HRM/HRFE) will be optional.  This will reduce the total theory study requirements for that applicant.

4.    All applicants will be required to attend and complete all practical skills portions of the VRT program.

5.    Applicants with previous Medical First Responder (MFR) training may submit their proof of certification to the Volunteer Program Manager.  The Volunteer Program Manager will forward a copy of the certificate to the Division Chief of Professional Development, Training & Safety for assessment. 

6.    MFR certificates issued by a recognized training agency within the last two years or a letter demonstrating current registration as a paramedic with Emergency Health Services Nova Scotia will be considered.  Other special circumstances may be considered in consultation with Saint John Ambulance.

7.    The Division Chief of Professional Development, Training & Safety will determine if the applicant will be granted credit for prior learning.  The Division Chief may allow the applicant to be excused from initial MFR training.  Applicants who are excused from initial MFR training will be required to complete MFR recertification every two years.

8.    The Division Chief of Professional Development, Training & safety will communicate assessment decisions in writing to the Volunteer Program Manager.


This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the training assessments for volunteer recruit training.