Issued By: SAFETY (D. Meldrum)
Approved By: Fire Chief William H. Mosher
Date of Issue: 1999/03/30
Revision Date: 2002/06/20; 2011/08/25
Forms Required:
• FD-002 Detailed Vehicle Inspection Form
To provide a policy which outlines the detailed vehicle inspection necessary for the safety of HRFE members and the public.
Detailed inspections of emergency and support vehicles are essential in order to ensure the safety of our members and the public we serve.
This policy applies to career and volunteer fire fighters of HRFE.
• “Detailed Vehicle Inspection (DVI)” means a planned and formal inspection of a vehicle during which the driver inspects the vehicle in accordance with a checklist (Form FD-002). The results of a DVI must be entered into the HRFE online DVI database.
• “Reserve Apparatus” means a fire apparatus that is available for immediate use, but does not have personnel assigned to it.
• “Spare Apparatus” means a fire apparatus that is not available for immediate use. A spare apparatus requires a detailed vehicle inspection and the inspection and installation of fire-fighting equipment before use.
All vehicles must be formally inspected on a routine basis and the results of these inspections must be documented. The records generated during these inspections are an important source of information in the case of an accident.
Drivers must conduct detailed vehicle inspections in accordance with the schedule outlined in this policy. Drivers must check every item on the list and record their observations. Drivers must report any deficiencies to their supervisor immediately. Drivers must not use any vehicle which is found to be in an unsafe condition.
Supervisors must ensure these inspections are completed correctly, and that the records are entered into the online DVI database. Supervisors must order repairs to remedy any vehicle deficiency reported to them. Supervisors must not allow the use of any vehicle that is in an unsafe condition.
Operational apparatus that are not checked every day (i.e. Volunteer apparatus) must have a written copy of the latest inspection (Form FD002) left on the driver’s seat.
This will advise drivers of the last inspection of that apparatus. This does not relieve the driver and supervisor of their responsibility to enter their results into the online DVI database.
Vehicles must be inspected and records entered into the database at least as often as indicated below. Supervisors may require more frequent inspections at their discretion.
Operational Fire Apparatus:
1) Apparatus assigned to and operated by career firefighters must be inspected at the start of every work shift. If an emergency call comes in before the DVI is complete, the DVI shall be completed as soon as the apparatus returns to the station.
2) Apparatus assigned to and operated by volunteer firefighters must be inspected at least weekly. A more frequent inspection may be implemented by the Supervisor.
3) Reserve Apparatus must be inspected daily by a qualified driver.
4) Spare Apparatus must be inspected before being placed into service.
Support Vehicles
1) Light vehicles (cars, small vans and light trucks) must be inspected at least monthly.
2) Large passenger vans (11 passengers and up) must be inspected before each use, except where this inspection would delay the delivery of firefighting personnel to an emergency scene. Large passenger vans must be inspected at least weekly when not in use. If a single use comprises more than one (1) day, the van must be inspected at the start of every day during the trip.
3) Support vehicles with a registered gross vehicle weight of 4500 kg or more must be inspected at least weekly.*
In addition to the documented inspections listed above, drivers must conduct a circle check and an informal inspection of their vehicle before each use. The results of the circle check do not need to be entered into the DVI database, but the driver must correct any unsafe condition that is observed before using the vehicle.
Note: If a support vehicle with a registered gross vehicle weight of 4500kg or more will travel outside a radius of 160 kilometers of the location, at which the driver reported for work, the driver is responsible to complete a trip inspection and carry inspection records in accordance with the Nova Scotia “Commercial Vehicle Trip Inspection and Records” regulations made under section 303 of the Nova Scotia Motor Vehicle Act.
• OG 4039 Forestry Pump/Tank Skid Loads
• P-007 Use of Regional Vehicles
• OG 3010 Mini Pumper Operation
This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the vehicle inspection directions.