P-600 Reporting Safety Concerns

Issued By: Operational Support (R. Hollett)
Approved By: Doug Trussler, Fire Chief
Date of Issue: November 2, 2015

This policy defines the process for addressing and reporting unsafe conditions in the workplace.

Prompt reporting of safety concerns is critical to the health and safety of all members.  Unreported safety concerns or a lack of appropriate corrective action can result in hazardous conditions in the workplace that contribute to accidents and injuries.  This policy defines the actions and responsibilities required to address safety concerns.

Nothing in this policy restricts a member’s right to refuse unsafe work and/or contact the Occupational Health & Safety Division of the Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Advanced Education for assistance or to report a safety concern in the workplace. 

This policy applies to all members.

All members are responsible for reporting safety concerns.

STEP 1: Members who have a safety concern shall report it immediately to their direct supervisor (i.e. Lieutenant, Captain, Station Chief or other). The Member and Supervisor shall work together to see if they can correct the matter immediately.

STEP 2: If the Member and Supervisor cannot fix the problem, they shall take such action as is reasonable to reduce the risk to personnel (i.e. remove faulty equipment from service, place a barrier around the hazard and inform personnel of the hazard, etc…). The Member shall report the safety concern to their Manager (i.e. Division Commander or Division Chief) in writing by email.  A copy of the email shall also be sent to the Safety Division for information. 

The email must provide at least the following information:
•    What is the problem?  Describe the nature of the safety concern.
•    Who is at risk?
•    What are the risks if we don’t correct the problem?
•    What do you think should be done to correct the problem?
•    What actions have you taken to reduce the risk to personnel?

STEP 3: The Manager shall investigate the concern, and respond to the Member.  If possible, the Manager shall take action to correct any unsafe condition.  The Manager shall respond in writing to the Member within 14 days (copy to Safety Division) and outline if s/he agrees with the concern and what corrective actions s/he has taken.

STEP 4: If the actions of the Manager do not satisfy the concern of the Member, the Member shall refer the concern in writing to the Division Chief of Professional Development, Training & Safety for investigation.  The Division Chief shall reply to the Member in writing within 14 days.

STEP 5: If the actions of the Division Chief do not satisfy the concern of the Member, the Member shall refer the concern in writing to any member of the Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee (JOHSC) for investigation.  The JOHSC shall investigate the concern and recommend corrective actions to the employer.

STEP 6: If no corrective action has been taken, or the Member is not satisfied with the outcomes, the Member shall submit the concern to the Occupational Health & Safety Division of the Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Advanced Education for investigation. 



•    P-601 Health and Safety Information


This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the process used to address and report unsafe conditions in the workplace.