P-303 Return to work-training

Issued By: DIVISION CHIEF D. Meldrum
Approved By: Doug Trussler, Fire Chief
Date of Issue: 2014/01/24


This policy outlines the required training for firefighters who are returning from an approved leave of absence greater than 6 months. 


Firefighters will receive the required training prior to returning from an approved leave of absence (greater than 6 months).


This policy applies to Firefighters who have been absent from structural firefighting activities and training during an approved leave of absence, working in an operational support division or as a result of a lengthy illness or injury require re-entry training to ensure their safety.


Members who have been away from the workplace on an approved leave of absence, working in an operational support division or as a result of a lengthy illness or injury must speak to their Division Commander and immediate supervisors to arrange the necessary training to begin the return to work process. 

Members who are returning from an approved leave of absence, working in an operational support division or from a result of a lengthy illness or injury shall not work as officers or firefighters in a hazardous atmosphere until: 

•    They have been authorized to do so in writing as outlined in this policy 
•    They have completed respirator fit testing and have had their personal protective clothing inspected or issued by the Logistics Division.  
•    They have read and understood all changes to department policies, procedures and operating guidelines. The member must review all departmental memos issued while they were on leave. The member should also complete any retraining needed to bring any lapsed certifications up-to-date prior to returning to work as an officer or firefighter. 

Apparatus drivers, engineers and aerial operators who are returning from an approved leave of absence must obtain appropriate training and testing from the Training Division before resuming those duties.

Firefighters who are returning from an approved leave of absence or from a lengthy illness or injury or working in a support division longer than six months in duration shall complete re-entry training in phases as follows: 

1.    Prior to re-entry into the service, the member may undergo medical evaluation and provide a criminal record check at the discretion of the Employer. 

2.    The Firefighter and their Station Officer shall meet with an Officer assigned by the Professional Development, Training and Safety Division for the purpose of developing an individual learning plan. The duration and content of the reorientation training will be approved by the Division Chief of Professional Development, Training and Safety in accordance with the firefighter’s individual learning needs. The learning plan will be basic firefighter skills of: Donning and Doffing BA, PPE, Ladder Deployment, Fire Service Ropes and Knots, Advancing Lines, Search and Mayday Procedures, Small Engines and Extrication Equipment. Additional requirements will be considered on a case-by-case basis. An example of an additional requirement would be participation in part or the entire recruit training program. 

3.    The member shall be placed on restricted status in their home station to complete prescribed return to work training. While on restricted status, the member may respond to emergencies, but must not work in an atmosphere that is immediately dangerous to life or health. This includes interior operations at working structure fires. The member shall wear an orange structural firefighting helmet. 

4.    During this period of restricted status, the Station Officer or a Training Officer shall administer and evaluate all prescribed training. The Station Officer or Training Officer will ensure the member is proficient in each skill. A book containing firefighter skills will be provided by the Professional Development, Training and Safety Division. The 

Division Commander will be consulted and updated regarding the progress of return to work training.      
5.    The Division Commander and the returning member must ensure that the skills practice is complete within 8 weeks of the member’s return from absence. 

6.    On successful completion of the return to work training program materials, the Station Officer and Division Commander shall sign off on the member as being able to return to  non-restricted status. Training records will be forwarded to the Division Chief of Professional Development, Training & Safety. 

7.    The Division Chief of Professional Development, Training & Safety will review the training records for the return to work training program. S/he will advise the Division Commander and immediate supervisors in writing if the member may be returned to non-restricted status. S/he will place the skill sheets on the member’s personnel file. The Division Commander will complete the appropriate change of status form and the member may resume work with no further restrictions. 


•    P-022 Workplace Rehabilitation Program
•    P-042 Leave of Absence-Volunteers


This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the training required to return to work following a leave of absence greater than 6 months.