P-412 overtime call-in procedure-core suppressions

Issued By:          Date of Issue: 1997/09/03
Approved By:        Revision Date: 1999/09/30

Forms Required:   
•    Overtime Slip


To provide a uniform method of filling vacant positions through the use of overtime staffing. 


Staffing level to be as per the Collective Agreement or established guidelines in effect at the time the vacancy exists.


This policy applies to career and volunteer fire fighters with Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency.


•    When a shortage of on duty suppression personnel exists due to the absence of a fire fighter, another fire fighter may be called for overtime coverage.

•    When there is a requirement for overtime, every effort must be made to accommodate the firefighter utilizing him/her at their present skill level; i.e., driver for driver, officer for officer or as operational needs dictate.

•    Overtime Lists will be posted quarterly in the Stations beginning January, 2000.

•    All calls for overtime are to be made using the overtime lists. The manner in which the overtime list are used or developed may change from time to time as per the contract or management/labour agreement.

•    Overtime Slips required the following information:
     o    Date of actual overtime worked;
     o    Duration of time worked; and 
     o    Reason for the overtime worked.

•    The Overtime Sheet shall be signed by the Station Officer and forwarded to the Platoon Chief for authorization. Upon approval of the overtime, the overtime slip will be forwarded to payroll for processing.


•    OG 4028 Recall Procedures (non-union) for core operational Staff)


This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the procedure followed for overtime call-in core suppression.