Issued By: TRAINING (S. Shaffner)
Approved By: Fire Chief William H. Mosher
Date of Issue: 1999/11/01
Revision Date: 2005/12/15; 2010/03/24
Accidents involving departmental vehicles will be investigated by the Divisional Chief of Safety or designate. Public complaints or official complaints of unsafe or inappropriate vehicle operation will be investigated by a District Chief/ Platoon Chief/ Divisional Chief or designate. Documentation of any investigation or driver assessments conducted will be forwarded to the Divisional Chief of Safety for review and filing.
To provide a standard method for assessing and maintaining skills for operators, of any vehicles owned/leased/operated, by Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE).. To assess skills for operators who have vehicle incidents involving Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency vehicles and assessing skills of operators who have had their license suspended.
To ensure the safety of those operating vehicles owned, leased or operated by HRFE as well as those who share with such emergency vehicles.
This policy applies to career and volunteer members of HRFE.
Members of Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency who have not driven or operated fire apparatus for a period in excess of three (3) months due to illness, injury or any other reason, shall not be permitted to operate fire apparatus until such time as they are reassessed by a member of the Training Division and successfully complete the assessment or assigned skills course(s).
Members who have lost their license to drive shall, as soon as is practical, advise their District Chief or designate, and specify the reason and term of the suspension. Operation of any vehicle during a period when licensing is suspended is illegal, under provincial and federal legislation.
Members whose license is suspended for a period in excess of seven (7) days shall not be permitted to operate any HRM fire vehicle(s) until after their licence has been reinstated and proof of same is obtained by the Department. They will then be assessed by a member of the Training Division and shall successfully complete the assessment or assigned skills course(s).
When a complaint is received from the public, police, elected official, or department member alleging that a departmental vehicle was operated in an unsafe or inappropriate manner, a District Chief/ Platoon Chief/ Divisional Chief who was not present at the time of the alleged offense, shall investigate the complaint. The operator shall not be permitted to operate any HRM fire vehicle(s) until such time as the investigation is completed, and any recommendation for reassessment or skills upgrading, if any, is fulfilled.
The investigating officer’s findings shall be in writing, and a copy shall be provided to the Divisional Chief of Safety and the District Chief/ Platoon Chief/ Divisional Chief.
Operators of HRM fire vehicles who have more than one accident while operating an HRM fire vehicle within any 12month period (regardless of fault) shall not be permitted to operate any HRM fire vehicle until such time as they are reassessed by a member of the Training Division and successfully complete the assessment or assigned skills course(s).
Operators of HRM fire vehicle(s) who have an accident which involves damage in excess of $2,000.00 (combined total of damage) to the fire vehicle, other vehicle(s) or property (regardless of fault), shall not be permitted to operate any vehicles owned/ leased or operated by Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency, until such time as they are reassessed by a member of the Training Division and successfully complete the assessment or assigned skills course(s).
Operators of HRM fire vehicles who have a motor vehicle accident involving personal injury to a pedestrian, cyclist, or any occupant of a vehicle, including the fire vehicle, which requires medical attention, shall be immediately relieved of their driving privileges (regardless of fault). The Duty Platoon/ District Chief shall be contacted and arrangements made for a relief operator to be supplied. The operator shall not be permitted to operate any Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency vehicle for a period of 30 days, after which they shall be reassessed by a member of the Training Division and successfully complete the assessment or assigned skills course(s).
This policy does not restrict Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency from conducting periodic driving assessments of the individuals operating vehicles owned/leased or operated by Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency, or from assessing skills, at any time, of individuals who are noted operating vehicles in an inappropriate or unsafe manner.
This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the skills assessed for HRFE vehicle operation.