Issued By: Volunteer Program Manager (H. MacKay)
Revised By: Deputy Chief, Performance & Safety
Approved By: Ken Stuebing, Fire Chief
Date of Issue: 2013/01/28
Revision Date: 2021/03/31
Forms Required: FD274 Awards Account Request Form
To describe the amount of funds which may be requested for annual volunteer recognition and the roles and responsibilities of program participants.
To promote volunteer retention and to express appreciation for the valuable work of HRFE’s volunteer firefighters.
This policy applies to volunteer members of Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency.
• Station Captains may request up to $100.00 per active member or member on approved leave for awards annually. Station Captains may use these funds for station gifts for active members, a banquet or other suitable recognition events.
• Alcohol or any recreational drugs shall not be purchased with these funds. Gifts must be appropriate to the public image of HRFE. The Fire Chief shall have the final authority to decide on the suitability of any gift.
• All awards account requests must go to the Volunteer Program Manager for approval and disbursement.
• Requests should be submitted based on $100 per active member or member on approved leave at the time of the request. In addition to the $100.00 per active member, Station Captains may request an additional $100.00 per person for a banquet to cover the meal costs of invited guests, up to a maximum of $300.
• For milestone anniversary events, see Policy P-039, Volunteer Milestone Anniversaries & Personal Milestones.
• P-039 Volunteer Assoc. Milestone Anniversaries & Volunteer Firefighter Years of Service Milestones
This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the awards account for volunteers.