P-015 Subpoena,court duty,Jury Duty

Date of Issue:  1997/09/03
Revision Date:  1999/09/30


To provide all Fire Service personnel with the Administrative Policy regarding those occasions when Fire Service personnel are committed to attending court while on duty or off duty.


To ensure Fire Service personnel are able to attend court while on/off duty when committed to do so. 


This policy applies to all Fire Service Personnel. 


  • Career personnel who must attend court because of Fire Service duty will be compensated as stated in the Collective Agreement for court attendance while the member is off duty. 
  • On duty attendance at court because of Fire Service duty will not be compensated beyond the members normal pay, less any fees paid the by Court, as per the Collective Agreement.
  • The employee’s supervisor shall be notified before all such court attendance so that arrangements for replacement(s) may be made.
  • Those personnel who are called for jury duty will, when scheduled for duty with the Fire Service, be allowed to attend jury selection. Should a member be on duty the day before a jury sitting, that member shall be excused from duty at 20:00 hours.
  • If selected as a juror, the member will be excused from duty on the day(s) the jury sits. Administration shall be notified of the expected time to be missed from work so that alternate arrangements may be made. 
  • If not selected, the member will return to work, as soon as possible.


  • P-017 Attendance Management


This policy shall be reviewed when/of there are changes/amendments to the policy regarding subpoenas, court duty and/or jury duty.