P-048-Social Network Sites

Issued By: Operations (B. Gray)
Approved By: Fire Chief William H. Mosher
Date of Issue: 2010/06/21


This policy defines the acceptable and unacceptable behaviors for HRFE members with regard to using cameras and sound recorders, distributing images or sounds and using social network sites and applications.  


The objective of this policy is to ensure social network sites, cameras, sound recorders, the distribution of images/sounds are properly utilized by career and volunteer fire fighters with HRFE. 


This policy applies to career and volunteer members of HRFE. 


Social Network Sites (SNS) are web based services that allow individuals to create a public or semipublic profile within their system and to share information with other users with common connection or purpose. They facilitate the exchange of information in the form of videos, images and text between other subscribers to the SNS. Examples of SNS include: Myspace, Facebook, LinkedIn, Live Journal, YouTube, Twitter and Instragram but are not limited to just these sites.


Members should be aware of the potential damages to individuals and the department through inappropriate disclosures of personal or departmental information being posted to one of these SNS. Improper or unintended disclosure could result in:

•    Copyright or trademark infringement;
•    Defamation lawsuit;
•    Human rights or privacy complaints;
•    Workplace grievance;
•    Criminal charges;
•    Damage to the Department’s reputation.

Members shall not use any personal recording device (i.e. cell phones, cameras or sound recorders) to record images or sounds at any HRFE emergency scene, worksite, training event or social event unless they have the expressed consent, in writing, from the Fire Chief or his/her management designate.  Improper use of personal recording devices can cause distractions that impair safety, may infringe on the rights of HRFE members and the public and could harm the public image of the fire service. 

Members may use recording devices supplied by HRM for legitimate work purposes.  Examples include fire investigation, accident investigation and officially sanctioned internal or external communications activities.  Members shall only distribute the images or sounds captured to the recipients required for the legitimate work activity.

HRFE members are not to post any videos, images or text related to HRFE to any SNS without the expressed consent, in writing, from the Fire Chief or his/her designate. This material may include but not limited to images of members in uniform, images of department property including stations and apparatus where a connection to this service could reasonably be made, images of incidents attended by this department, text messages discussing department business or any other form of information that could be considered internal to this Department.

Members using SNS who identify themselves in any way as being a member of HRFE shall place a disclaimer on the site stating “opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not represent the views of the department.”


Members wishing to post information relating to HRFE to any SNS must formally request the right to do so by sending the information to the Fire Chief requesting permission to do so. The information shall then be reviewed by the Fire Chief or designate and a written response allowing or denying use of the information will be sent to the member(s) requesting permission.


This policy shall be reviewed when/of there are changes/amendments made to the current acceptable behaviours for HRFE members/volunteers in regards to social network sites and related behaviours.