Approved By:Fire Chief William H. Mosher
Date of Issue: 2009/05/29
Forms Required:
• FP-375 FDM Data Entry Form
To ensure there is consistent data collection and case management throughout the Fire Prevention Division.
Data collection and case management will be consistent throughout the Fire Prevention Division.
This policy applies to those within the Fire Prevention Division.
Information collected in the field including contravention(s) or violations shall be recorded on the FDM Data Entry Form. All information shall be entered in FDM within three (3) business days. This form and the information contained within shall become part of the hard copy file in instances where a reinspection is to occur or possibility of pending legal action.
Inspections/Case Files:
Once an inspection of a building has been completed, information captured on the FDM Data Entry Form shall be entered in the following manner and all inspections shall be entered within three (3) business days. As new inspections are entered, the frequency field of the Inspection (master) Wizard shall be filled in as per Operating Guideline OG-3001 Inspection Frequencies.
Inspections not requiring a follow-up or reinspection shall be locked with the inspection status being “satisfactory” and the appropriate inspection frequency entered.
For inspections requiring follow-up or a reinspection, the status of the file shall remain “unsatisfactory” and the file locked creating a reinspection. All pertinent information gathered after the initial inspection pertaining to this case or file shall be entered in the note section of the reinspection file. This includes but is not limited to meetings, phone calls or consultations.
Once it is established that a reinspection is to occur, the Fire Prevention Officer shall schedule the reinspection in their GroupWise calendar to coincide with the compliance time outlined in the order, at the time of the inspection. Copies of all correspondence sent or received pertaining to an active case or file shall be forwarded to the Division’s Administrative Assistant.
Orders Versus Letters:
At the Fire Prevention Officers discretion, either a letter or Fire Safety Act Order may be sent to the building owner/occupant. The decision to send a letter can be based on the severity of the contraventions(s) and the previous history of compliance by the owner/occupant. Instances where the seriousness of the contravention(s) are of a grievous life safety nature or in excess of six (6) contravention(s) a Fire Safety Act Order, shall be issued.
Time Lines for Compliance:
The time lines for compliance shall be at the discretion of the Fire Prevention Officer, typically 30 or 60 days based on the scope of the project and nature of the contraventions(s). Timelines
in excess of sixty (60) days shall not be granted without prior approval by the Divisional Chief/Captain. Time lines for maintenance issues including but not limited to inspection of portable extinguishers, emergency lighting, fire alarms or sprinkler systems shall not exceed thirty (30) days. In no case shall an extension be granted for annual test or inspections of the fire/life safety systems of a building.
Compliance Versus Prosecution:
For those instances where it is determined during the reinspection that little if any compliance has been achieved, consultation with the Divisional Chief/Captain shall determine the next course of action. The decision regarding prosecution, issuing a summary offence ticket, or proceeding with a prosecution referral shall be based on the following:
• Level of compliance achieved thus far;
• Severity of remaining/outstanding contravention(s);
• Past history;
• Absentee landlord.
File Management:
Copies of all correspondence pertaining to an open case or inspections whether sent or received shall be forwarded to the Division’s Administration Assistant. The Administrative Assistant shall be responsible to ensure accurate files/records are kept for each open or active case. The Administrative Assistant shall ensure GroupWise appointments are booked for the appropriate Fire Prevention Officer for follow-up inspections within the time lines outlined in orders or other correspondence. The Fire Prevention Officers shall be responsible to ensure all notes, information gathered in the field, correspondence, etc. sent or received is forwarded to the Administrative Assistant.
Retention of Files:
FDM shall be the primary electronic records management system for the Fire Prevention Division. Records of inspections shall be maintained for a period of five (5) years in accordance with 19 (1) (c) of the Fire Safety Act. Hard copy files shall be in accordance with Administrative Order 31 Respecting Corporate Records and Information Management in Halifax Regional Municipality.
• OG 3001 Inspection Types
• OG 3002 Inspection Frequencies
This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the process used for data collection and/or case management.