P-413 Shift Exchange

Date of Issue: 1998/07/06
Revision Date:  1999/02/12; 2001/03/29; 2005/05/20

Forms Required:  
•    FD-043 Shift Exchange Form


To establish policy regarding the exchange of shifts by members of IAFF Local 268 who work on different shifts. 


To ensure there is sufficient coverage of fire fighters when member of the IAFF Local 268 exchange shifts.


This policy applies to members of IAFF Local 268.


Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency recognizes that from time to time members of IAFF Local 268 may wish to exchange shifts (or partial shifts) with other members. 


•    Complete Forms FD-043 Shift Exchange or FD-104 Shift Exchange for TOIL.
•    Submit the Form to Division Commander at least 72 hours in advance for approval. 
•    The Divisional Commander will advise the member and the affected Station Officer of approval or denial, and when approved forward a copy of the form, complete with his/her signature, to the member. 
•    For shift exchanges in the core affecting two Platoons, approval of both Division Commanders is required. In all other exchange situations, the applicable Division Commander must give approval. 
•    When approved, the completed and signed Form FD-043 or FD-104 is a binding agreement between members, and must be honoured. 


•    An exchange of shifts must take place. 
•    If the member working the exchanged shift is sick, then that member will be marked as sick on the attendance sheet. 
•    Individuals trading shifts shall have like qualifications i.e. Officer for Officer, Firefighter Engineer or Spare Firefighter Engineer for Firefighter Engineer, and Spare Firefighter Engineer or Firefighter Engineer for Spare Firefighter Engineer. 
•    Consecutive 24 hour shifts will not be permitted 
•    Approval will be based on operational requirements. 
•    Any individual may only have four (4) trade-out shift trades in one (1) calendar year. 
•    All trades must remain in one (1) calendar year.

In the event that the shift exchange cannot be completed due to changes in employment circumstances, then the shift/shifts must be paid back to HRFE by the employee who cannot fulfill his/her obligation. The Employer will deduct the outstanding advance of time off from future vacation, or the value of the advanced time off from monies owed, at the discretion of the employee. In situations of termination, the Employer will deduct the value of the shift/shifts taken off but not repaid from any monies owed to the employee other than pension.

This policy is designed to provide a method whereby an individual can take off a normally assigned work shift or part thereof. It is not intended to be used by personnel as a means of continuous relief from the normally assigned shift. 


Policy changed May 20, 2005 to align with P-414 Vacation Exchange. 


•    P-414 Vacation Exchange


This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the procedure utilized by IAFF Local 268 members to exchange shifts.