Date of Issue: 1999/03/08
Revision Date: 2006/02/27
To establish a policy in compliance with allowable exposure levels of employees to Carbon Monoxide in the workplace.
The workplace shall be in compliance with the allowable exposure levels of Carbon Monoxide.
This policy applies to career and volunteer fire fighters of HRFE.
All personnel at incidents where Carbon Monoxide (CO) may be present and the level of exposure has not been determined shall wear Personal Protective Equipment in accordance with Policy P-607
Prior to the removal of SCBA at any incident where CO exposure is likely, especially in post fire situations, such as overhaul or investigation, the Incident Commander is responsible to ensure that proper workplace monitoring has occurred to verify the level of CO. The Incident Commander shall be responsible for recording the following:
• The time of the monitoring.
• The name of the individual who did the monitoring.
• The level of CO present.
This information shall be included on the incident report.
If the level of CO is determined to be below the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) of 25 ppm as established by the Nova Scotia Department of Labour, the Incident Commander may then permit the removal of SCBA.
If the removal of SCBA is permitted, this information shall be communicated to dispatch with a request to time stamp it on the Incident Report.
If personnel are operating in areas without SCBA prior to the level of CO being determined as less than 25 ppm, the personnel involved, their supervisor and the Incident Commander may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Personal Protective Equipment Policy.
Meters capable of detecting levels of CO are available on all apparatus in the Core area with the exception of 11 Tanker.
• P-607 PPE
• OG 4021 Carbon Monoxide Incidents
This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the allowable levels of carbon monoxide in the workplace.