P-404 Lock Out of Motor Vehicles

Date of Issue: 1997/07/20

Forms Required:     
•    FD-Release Form Entry to Motor Vehicles



To provide a policy when forced entry is necessary involving vehicles. 



This policy is designed with safety being paramount, so air bags in doors, dashes, roofs, and knee areas are not deployed while forceful entry is being attempted.



This policy applies to career and volunteer HRFE members. 



When dispatched to lockouts involving vehicles at no time shall slim jims, coat hangers, rods or other devices be used to gain entry.

If an emergency does not exist, inquire of the owner/operator if we can contact a locksmith, towing company or roadside assistance on his behalf.

If an emergency does exist, [i.e. child locked inside, pets locked inside on hot days, threat of fire etc.] contact the owner/operator and advise them that entry will be obtained by forcefully removing glass. Get a waiver signed and proceed to remove glass by forceful means. Attach the waiver to the incident report.

If the owner/operator is not available, gain entry by forceful means and note it on the incident report

 If the name of the insurance company is available, a notation with this information shall be made on the incident report.



•    OG 4024 Supplement Restraints



This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the process used when forced entry into a vehicle is necessary.