P-054 Volunteer Retirement with Highest Achieved Rank

Issued By: Brian Gray, Deputy Chief Operations
Approved By: Doug Trussler, Fire Chief
Date of Issue: 2014/02/24


The purpose of this policy is to establish criteria to consistently determine the rank displayed on volunteer members’ dress uniform at the time of retirement. 


In recognition of the contribution the member has made within HRFE, a member at the time of their retirement who meets the criteria of this policy may display their highest achieved rank on their HRFE dress uniform. 


Volunteer members, hereafter stated as member, who serve as officers do so for an assigned term applicable to the position of rank. 


•    Upon retirement, volunteer members with a minimum of 10 years active service in good standing, as determined by the Fire Chief or assigned designate, may keep their dress uniform. Dress Uniform consists of tunic, shirt, pants, hat and hat badge. The fire department will supply a “Retired” crest to be worn on the right forearm, and a nameplate with the member’s name and the word “Retired” under the member’s name to be worn on the dress uniform. 

•    As a condition of retaining the dress uniform upon retirement, the member agrees to conform to Clothing and Appearance Policy P-019. 
•    As a condition of retaining the dress uniform upon retirement, the member agrees to wear the uniform in a manner that does not discredit the fire department and, if it is determined that the member has done so, will return the complete uniform to the fire department upon the written request of the Fire Chief or assigned designate. 
•    Members who resign with less than 10 years of completed service or members, who have been terminated, no matter the duration of service achieved, do not qualify under this policy. 
•    Retired members may wear the dress uniform only on certain occasions, such as a fallen firefighter memorial service, retirement ceremonies, promotional ceremonies, fire service funerals, fire service dinners, and other fire department functions as designated by the Fire Chief or assigned designate. 
•    To qualify to wear the insignia of a higher rank than the member is currently serving, the member must have completed an appointed term in the position of rank to retire at that rank without losing the position due to any disciplinary action. 
•    Members in an “Acting Officer” role do not qualify to retire with rank of the more senior position. 
•    Retired members will not assume any operational privilege of their highest achieved rank, nor will they be entitled to any monies or stipends of that rank once retired. 
•    Upon retirement, any active member is eligible to display the rank for the highest served position of rank successfully completed as defined by this policy since April 1, 1996. 


•    P-019 Clothing and Appearance


This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the criteria utilized to determine the rank displayed on volunteer member’s dress uniform at the time of retirement.