P-014 Employee Status Change Form

Date of Issue:  1997/09/03
Revision Date:  1999/09/30

Forms Required:  
Employee Status Change Form


To ensure members, career and volunteer personnel, who will receive a honorarium that the information in the Human Resources Information System with respect to Payroll is up to date.


This policy ensures that information regarding Payroll, utilizing the Human Resources Information System, will be up to date for career and volunteer members of Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency. 


This policy applies to all career and volunteer members of Halifax Fire & Emergency. 


 The Employee Status Change Form shall be filled out anytime there is a change in:

  • Personal Information: Members shall fill out this form with their name and employee number (if available) and only those changes that have occurred such as: name, address, marital status, mailing address, phone number, contact in case of emergency. If phone number is unlisted, please be sure to circle YES.


  • Banking Information: Members who are changing their banking information must attach a Void Cheque or Savings Account Number from the Bank in order to have this request processed.


  • New Hires, Promotions, Retirements, Terminations, Other:                                                                                                                                                 Manager / Platoon Chief / Fire Chief / Team Leader Administration shall fill out an Employee Status Change form. The form shall then be forwarded to the Chief Director or designate for final approval.


  • Upon final approval the Employee Status Change form shall be returned to HRIS Support Staff for payroll processing.


  • P-018 Personal info forms
  • P-046 Honorarium Program- Volunteers


This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the employee status change form.