Issued By: ADMINISTRATION (S.Nearing)
Approved By: Fire Chief Doug Trussler
Date of Issue: 2012/02/09
Forms Required:
• HRM Identification/Access Badge Application Form-Appendix A
• HRM Identification/Access Badge Temporary/Change Policy; Responsibilities Matrix & Procedures
To provide control criteria regarding access to Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE) facilities for all individuals who have been issued a badge(s) and/or key(s). This policy also provides Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) Corporate Security with criteria regarding the issuance, transfer and return of all badges related to the Access Control System.
To promote the safety and security of all members and assets by providing criteria for the issuance and control of all badges and keys, which provide a means for identification and/or access to HRFE facilities. This policy outlines the responsibilities of HRM Corporate Security, HRFE Access Control Staff and the holders of badges and keys. It also outlines the responsibilities of applicable authorities granting access rights to badge holders
This policy applies to all career and volunteer members of HRFE who have been issued a badge(s) or key(s).
Access Control Staff – Employees and/or contractors responsible for monitoring employees, contractors and visitors entering and exiting an HRFE facility. These may be commissionaires, security guards, receptionists, managers or other employees.
HRFE Assets – people, property and physical information.
Access Control System – any electronic access control product, including the Lenel Pro product utilized by HRM to control access to HRFE facilities.
Authorizing Authorities – Business unit directors and/or any individual specifically delegated, made known to HRM Corporate Security, to undertake the duties of authorizing authorities under this policy.
Badge – The Access Control Identification Badge, the Access Control Badge and/or the Identification Badge.
Cessation of Employment – Termination of employment by HRFE, resignation of employment, layoff or retirement.
Cessation of Volunteer Membership – Termination of a volunteer by HRFE or resignation/retirement of a volunteer.
Card Management Solution (CMS) – The software component that contains personnel information, digital image and badge information for all HRFE members.
Access Control Software (ACS) – The software component that applies access rights to badges maintains and manages electronic access to HRFE facilities.
Visitor – A guest at an HRFE facility that requires short term access.
Contractor – A company or individual hired by HRFE for a term of service that requires access to an HRFE facility.
HRFE Representatives – The employees and contractors responsible for the security of HRFE assets and the safety of employees, contractors and visitors; this includes designated HRFE, Corporate Security, Commissionaires, security guards, receptionists, managers and other designated employees.
Employee – any person categorized as permanent, term, part-time, casual, contract, temporary or student assigned to HRFE.
Volunteer – all volunteer members of HRFE.
HRM Corporate Security – HRM employees working in the HRM Corporate Security Unit.
Identification Badge – a badge that identifies a person as an employee, volunteer, contractor or visitor and may include their name; picture and other pertinent data (see appendices).
Access Control Identification Badge – a badge that identifies a person as an employee, volunteer or contractor and enables access to an HRFE facility via an electronic reading device and contains the same data as the identification badge.
Access Control Badge – a badge that enables access to an HRFE facility via an electronic reading device.
Integrated Security Management System – physical security components, security policies and security personnel working together to provide security solutions.
Security Event – any event that may indicate a violation of the access protocols leading to a potential security breach, such as someone overriding the swipe access by using a key, attempts to access a building by an expired or deactivated badge and attempts to access a building where not authorized to do so.
FDM & SAP – software currently used by the HRM & HRFE.
• FDM – fire records management system
• SAP – financial management system
Keys – There are two (2) iterations of keys:
• Perimeter keys which will be provided to a limited number of HRFE Staff for the sole purpose of access, only in emergency situations.
• Interior keys will be provided to staff through the accepted process in conjunction with HRM Corporate Security.
Access Swipe Badges:
1. Badges will be used for HRFE business only.
2. All HRFE members will be issued a badge(s) with access to all Fire Stations.
3. On cessation of employment, or volunteer membership, the individual will return all badges in his or her possession to their Manager/Chief/Supervisor, prior to or on the last day of work. The Manager/Chief/Supervisor is responsible for securing badges returned by the member and forwarding them to the Manager of HRM’s Corporate Security or HRFE designate.
4. All Members, Contractors must complete and sign an “Identification / Access Badge Form” prior to receiving a badge. Badges are the property of HRM, not the card holder(s). See appendix “A” for details regarding the “Identification / Access Badge Application Form”.
5. Permanent badge(s) must be picked up in person by the badge holder or, in the case of an Employee/Volunteer, may be sent to the member’s supervisor, who will ensure and document the delivery of the badge to the individual.
6. The level of access to HRFE facilities (access rights) permitted to each permanent badge holder will be authorized by applicable authorities. These authorities are listed and available through HRM Corporate Security.
7. Badge holders shall not lend badges to others, or use another person’s badge to access an HRM facility where access is controlled by use of a badge.
8. All badge holders are responsible for the security of any badge issued to them. If it is lost, stolen, malfunctioning or damaged, a report must be filed immediately with Access Control staff, or in the case of an employee/volunteer, his or her supervisor, which will then be forwarded to HRFE Access Control and HRM Corporate Security.
9. HRFE members will be entitled to two badges, with full access to Fire stations. One badge is to be considered part of the HRFE uniform and the other will be a “landscape” version to be kept accessible.
10. HRM Human Resources will be responsible for advising all appropriate HRFE manager/Chief/supervisor of any new hires of career/volunteer members, all transfers, or if there has been cessation in status.
11. Long term contractors (working for HRM for over 90 days) may be issued a badge similar to those issued to personnel. Authorization for these badges will be through HRFE Access Control staff or HRM Corporate Security. The length and nature of a Contractor’s work will determine which badge is issued.
Interior Keys:
1. Keys may be requested through HRM Corporate Security, upon receiving a properly signed Key Agreement Form, with appropriate approval and authorization.
2. All keys are the property of HRFE.
3. Key requests must have the approval of HRFE senior management.
4. Keys must be picked up in person by the requestor or, may be sent to the individual’s supervisor, who will ensure and document the delivery of the key to the individual.
5. The individual will accept accountability for the key when the Key Agreement form is signed.
6. Lost keys will be reported to HRM Corporate Security immediately.
Perimeter Keys:
1. Perimeter keys will be used for HRFE emergencies only.
2. Keys will be issued to key HRFE staff to provide access to HRFE facilities in emergency situations.
3. Perimeter key holders are accountable for the security of any key issued to them. If it is lost, stolen, malfunctioning or damaged, a report must be filed immediately with HRM Corporate Security.
This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to facility access by career and volunteer members of HRFE.
• Related HRM AO 40 & 41
• Asset Protection Policy
• Responsibilities Matrix & Procedures