Issued By: Heather McKay
Forms Required:
• FD-268
• FD-271
To create a limited number of volunteer fire fighter support positions in addition to the
Authorized complement in volunteer station(s).
To define the role of volunteer fire fighter support members, including limits to on-scene duties.
This policy applies to volunteer members or HRFE.
1) The intent of identifying support roles within the volunteer membership of Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE) is to provide additional volunteer resources to assist in administrative and other non-emergency operational duties. It allows members who are not able to work in the Hot Zone to work in roles suited to their physical capabilities, in one of the following three support position functions:
a) Administrative - FDM reports, honorarium reporting, committee work, taking and posting minutes, filing of station correspondence, work orders, etc. , and general administrative duties.
b) Support - Station duties – routine station cleaning, station safety checks, maintenance and testing of small engine tools such as saws, fans, extrication tools, routine maintenance and testing of SCBA and cylinders, assistance with routine vehicle checks, apparatus cleaning and Fire Prevention activities.
c) Support – On-Scene Duties – accountability, air exchange, rehabilitation, staging areas, tanker fill site, engineer/apparatus driver and medical first responder. Support members who are assigned to On-Scene Duties will be issued an orange helmet.
2) The number of support positions will be determined on a station by station basis. These positions are in addition to the authorized complement of Operational Volunteer Firefighters.
3) Volunteer support members are encouraged to apply for more than one support function.
4) A Support Application must be submitted and approved by the Station Chief, Division Commander and the Volunteer Program Manager.
5) Support members shall be required to maintain an activity level comparable to active members (i.e.: more than 50 % desired, less than 33% disciplined.)
6) All support members 60 years of age and over who will be performing must undergo the Department’s over 60 medical processes, and be face fit tested prior to being accepted in the support role.
7) Support members shall qualify for HRFE service recognition awards in the same manner as active members, and station/zones shall be allocated awards and recognition funds for authorized support members at the same level as for active members.
8) The contribution of support members shall be recognized by participation in the honorarium program at the rate designated therein for support positions.
9) Application Process for Support: The Station Chief and the Volunteer member will complete and sign the Support Application FD-268. The Station Chief will submit the completed FD-268 to the Volunteer Program Manager. The Volunteer Program Manager and Division Commander will review, and the Station Chief will be notified if the application is accepted. If accepted, the Station Chief and the Volunteer member will review FD-271 Volunteer Firefighter Support Member Training Requirements, and in consultation with Training Division, will ensure all the appropriate training is completed. Upon completion of the training, the Station Chief and Volunteer member will sign FD-271 and submit to the Volunteer Program Manager for review and discussion with the Division Commander, and final approval. For members over 60, the over 60 medical must be completed and submitted with FD-271 before approval is given.
10) After all completed paperwork is received and final approvals are given, the Station Chief and Volunteer member will be notified of the approval in writing from the Deputy Chief of Operations.
• P-801 Volunteer Fire Fighter Support Positions
• P-018 Personal Information Forms-FDM
• P-421 Vehicle Equipment Check List
• OG 4025 General Life Safety Checks
This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the role of volunteer fire fighter support members.