Date of Issue: 1998/08/14
Revision Date: 1998/11/11; 2004/05/17; 2005/02/16; 2005/09/19; 2007/03/14; Draft 2008/06/19
To identify a selection process for Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency Service volunteer officers that allows members to exercise their volunteer career ambitions, while ensuring that the most qualified and suitable candidate is selected.
Selection Method:
1. A Posting Notice, complete with timelines, will be forwarded to the station seeking applications for the position a minimum of 30 days prior to the term start date.
2. The applicants will forward a cover letter and resume detailing related work experience, training, education and certifications to the Volunteer Program Manager as directed on the Posting Notice. The documentation should support the qualifications specified by the job posting.
3. Only those applicants who meet the minimum qualifications specified on the job posting will be screened in.
4. Applicants will be notified of the status of their application.
5. Eligible candidates will be interviewed by the Selection Board. If incumbent is the only applicant and performance is satisfactory then an interview may not be required.
6. The Selection Board will make a selection, considering the interviews, past performance, and references and will forward their recommendation to the Deputy Chief Director for final approval.
7. All candidates interviewed will be advised of the results of the selection process.
8. An appointment letter will be sent to the successful candidate, and a memo will be circulated to the Fire Department.
The term of office for all officer positions is up to three (3) years. After each term, the incumbent may choose to be a candidate for the next term, following the same procedure as above.
Lack of Candidates:
If there are no candidates screened in from the first posting, the position will be posted again. If there are no candidates screened in from the second posting, then the Deputy Chief Director of Operations may appoint someone to the position, from the same or another Division. The position will be reposted until the position is filled.
The Selection Board is comprised of the following, for the position of Station Chief:
• Division Commander
• Volunteer Program Manager
• Division Captain
The Selection Board is comprised of the following, for the position of Lieutenant:
• Volunteer Program Manager
• Division Captain
• Station Chief
The Review Process:
• All Officers may be subject to an annual review.
Acting Officers:
Acting Officers may be appointed to fill vacancies caused by vacations, sick leave, leaves of absence or resignation. Acting officers shall be appointed when the length of a vacancy is expected to be 30 days or more, but does not exceed one third of the original appointee’s term.
If the vacancy is expected to last more than one-third of the original appointee’s term, the position shall be reposted and filled for the balance of the term following the above process.
The Volunteer Program Manager shall maintain a list of candidates who passed each officer selection process but who were not appointed to terms. Candidates on this list may be appointed to acting officer positions for which they are qualified when vacancies occur. The list shall expire on the last day of the original appointee’s term.