P-416 resetting of fire alarms

Date of Issue: 1999/04/12
Revision Date: 2002/06/20 


To give direction to response crews in the resetting of Fire Alarms after a building has been checked for an emergency.


To ensure fire alarms are properly reset after a building has been checked for an emergency.


This policy applies to career and volunteer fire fighters of Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency.


On response by operation crews to an alarm in a structure that is equipped with a fire alarm system, the procedure is as follows:

•    Where possible, the outside of the Structure should have a 360 degree reconnaissance;
•    After gaining entrance to the structure, the panel shall be checked for the location of the alarm, and that location shall be checked.
•    Finding no emergency, or signs of such, the system may be silenced. 
•    If after any other checks deemed necessary by the Incident Commander, no problems are found, an attempt shall be made to reset the system. 
•    Dispatch shall be notified by radio that the alarm system has been reset. 
•    If the panel does not reset, then further checks may be necessary as determined by the Incident Commander.
•    If unsuccessful, the Incident Commander, or Dispatch shall notify the owner or his/her designate that the system has been silenced, but will not reset, and needs to be serviced.
•    If the owner or his/her designate cannot be located, then the IC shall inform the tenants that the system, or a portion thereof, is inoperable.
•    The Fire Prevention Division shall be notified, and requested to do a follow-up.


This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the directios given for resetting fire alarms.


•    National Fire Code of Canada- Part 6 Maintenance
(1) Fire Protection installations shall be maintained in operating condition. Protection During Shutdown
(1) When any portion of a Fire Protection System is temporarily shut down, alternative measures shall be taken to ensure that protection is maintained.

Appendix A
(1) Interruption of normal operations of a Fire Protection system for any purpose constitutes a temporary shut-down.

•    Section 2.8- Emergency Planning Keys and Special Devices
(1) Any keys and special devices needed to operate the Fire Alarm system or provide access to any Fire Protection system or equipment shall be readily available to on duty supervisory staff

Appendix A- A.
(1) (a) (i) These procedures should also include training of authorized personnel for silencing Fire Alarms and alert signals under specified conditions. If special keys or devices are required to operate the alarm system they should be readily available to supervisory staff on duty.

•    Halifax Regional Municipality- By-Law F100
Part 6- Fire Prevention Equipment
Section 6.3- Fire Alarm and Voice Communication Systems (2) Except for persons authorized by the Fire Commissioner (now Chief
Director), no Fire Alarm System shall be silenced or reset without authorization from the Fire Commissioner (Chief Director). (2) The Fire Commissioner (now Chief Director) and Building occupants shall be notified by the owner when a fire alarm system is:
(A) Out of service or malfunctions;
(B) Altered, repaired or additions are made;
(C) Placed back in service.