P-044 Participation requirements for Active Membership Status for Volunteer Fire Fighters

Issued By: Operations (B. Turpin)
Approved By: Fire Chief William H. Mosher
Date of Issue: 2010/05/28


To define Active Member of the volunteer HRFE through participation requirements for attendance at meetings, participation in training programs, and attendance at emergency events. To establish a minimum participation standard for active members of Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency.


To ensure volunteer firefighters have reached the required minimum participation levels for active member status with HRFE.


This policy applies to volunteer firefighters with HRFE.


•    Attendance at meetings: The number of meetings includes all regularly scheduled meetings the member is expected to attend. This is normally monthly, but in the case of officers, may include additional management meetings or representation of the department in another context.

•    Attendance at training sessions: The number of training events includes all regularly scheduled departmental training, including courses required to reach basic firefighter membership requirements. Special training events organized for and expected to involve participation of the majority of members may also be included.

•    Attendance at emergency responses: This includes all responses by the department to render emergency aid.


Active Membership Status:

1)    Members who meet or exceed the participation levels identified below are to be recognized as Active Members of the volunteer fire service wherever that status needs to be identified by Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency.

2)    Individual departments may exceed this standard where warranted and supported by the membership.

3)    Members who do not fit the parameters for Active Member may apply to be retained as Support Members where positions are available within the authorized complement. Participation requirements for operational support members are the same as those stated for active members. Administrative support members are expected to commit 2 hours per week to station activities.

Participation Standard:

1)    All members are expected to attend all meetings, training and emergency responses of the station to which they are assigned.

2)    At the end of each calendar quarter the Chief (Volunteer Captains in Zone 6) or designate shall meet with members who fall below 50% participation in any of the three categories to discuss their lack of attendance and provide appropriate coaching. Notes of these discussions shall be kept in the manner prescribed in the Progressive Discipline Process.

3)    Members who fall below 33 % attendance at meetings and training or below 20% attendance at emergency responses may be removed from active service and are no longer entitled to the benefits of active membership. Examples of benefits are vehicle licenses, pagers, protective clothing, other clothing, etc.

4)    Lists of active members shall be submitted annually to the BOC for review. The Board shall forward the Active Membership List to the Deputy Chief Director or designate on or before September 30th. The Board shall update the list as changes occur.


•    VFAC-approved 2010/08/02


•    P-017 Attendance Management
•    P-046 Honorarium Program-Volunteers
•    P-801 Volunteer Fire Fighter Support Positions


This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the participation requirements for active member status for volunteers.