P-002 Compliance with Federal, Provincial, and HRFE Policies


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that career and applicable volunteer members are aware of the related Federal, Provincial and Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE) policies.


The objective of this policy is to provide career and applicable volunteer members with the knowledge necessary to abide by Federal, Provincial and HRFE policies.


The policies contained herein are to cover all Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE) career members, and where applicable, volunteer members of the service.


  • It is the policy of HRFE to administer its policies within the context of all federal and provincial statutes. Where provincial or federal statue differ HRFE policies the standard or policy which affords the higher level protection to the individual or Fire Service shall be applied.
  • In the event that any policy contained herein is in conflict with any provision of a collective agreement, the collective agreement shall supersede the HRFE policy for those members for whom the collective agreement applies.
  • In particular, it is the policy of HRFE to uphold the objectives of federal and provincial legislation with respect to human rights; freedom of speech, religion and assembly; racial and ethnic equality; equality of opportunity in employment and promotion; freedom from sexual discrimination or harassment; and all other prohibitive forms of infringement on human rights.



This policy shall be reviewed when related Federal, Provincial or HRFE policies change.