P-020 Rules & Regulations

Date of Issue: 1997/09/03
Revision Date:  1999/09/30; 2001/12/13

Forms Required:  

  • Annual Cleaning Schedule



To define the use, maintenance, and repair of equipment and facilities, as well as, a system of regulations and procedures. 


This policy will allow for the orderly and acceptable conduct of all members, both career and volunteer.


This policy applies to all volunteer and career members.


The rules and regulations herein contained are intended for general guidance of the Fire & Emergency and do not cover every specific act of duty that might arise.

When a situation arises for which no specific rule or regulation has been provided, then common sense and judgement must be used in handling it.

Ignorance of the rules and regulations is not an excuse for noncompliance, as it is the duty of all members to acquaint themselves thoroughly with the rules and regulations of the Fire & Emergency.

Rules and Regulations of the Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency 

  • Violation of any of the rules and regulations or orders and neglect in commission of any of the duties prescribed herein, may be subject to discipline. 
  • Whenever a member of the Fire Service resigns or is dismissed, he/she shall surrender all property in his/her possession belonging to the Fire Service.
  • The Officers of the Fire Service shall be held responsible for the maintenance of discipline, each within his/her prescribed sphere of authority.
  • Equal and impartial treatment of subordinates is required of Officers. No Officer shall attempt to deprive merit or due recognition, or to shield incompetence, or misconduct, from due discipline.
  • Every Officer shall acquaint him/herself with the qualifications & abilities of members under his/her immediate supervision. He/she shall instruct such members in their duties, ensure that they observe the rules and regulations, comply with general and special orders, and faithfully perform the duties assigned to them.
  • Officers shall evaluate each member of his/her command annually or as required.
  • Officers shall ensure quarters and equipment are maintained in a state of readiness.
  • Officers shall keep their superiors advised of all matters that should be brought to their attention.
  • In addition to their regular duties, Officers shall make such special reports as circumstances call for.
  • No Officer shall interfere in matters or operations for which another Officer of equal rank is responsible, except with the consent of the latter Officer or by order of a superior.
  • Officers shall instruct, and supervise the work of their personnel, in order to ensure the efficient operation of the station.
  • Officers shall have custody of all Fire Service property in their station, and shall be responsible for its condition and safekeeping.
  • At the beginning of the shift, Officers shall report crew and apparatus status as required. 
  • At the start of each shift, the Officer in charge shall read all general and special orders received unless otherwise ordered.
  • The Incident Command System (ICS), as adopted by the Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency shall be used at all emergency incidents and training sessions. 
  • It shall be the duty of the Officer in charge of the company to give new members reporting to him/her thorough instructions relative to their duties.
  • Officers in charge must not permit any persons not connected with the Fire Service to ride upon any fire apparatus unless permission has been granted by a Chief Officer and appropriate paper work has been completed.
  • All members shall give the person relieving them all necessary information so as to maintain the service at a high standard of efficiency.
  • Apparatus and equipment must be cleaned and readied for service immediately upon returning to quarters. The shift Officer shall take into account extremely low temperatures when washing department vehicles.
  • No member on duty shall be allowed to leave the premises of their respective stations for any purpose without the permission of the duty District Chief, Composite Chief, or Designate.
  • No one shall have cause to have, or permit any intoxicating liquors, malt beverages, or illegal drugs brought into or kept on Fire Department premises, except where specifically licensed to do so. No one shall be, at any time, under the influence of intoxicants, non-prescription drugs, or prescription drugs which may cause impairment while taking part in emergency operations, training or on active duty.
  • Gambling with any instrument or device for money or any article of value is strictly prohibited.
  • Intoxicated, or undesirable persons, are forbidden to loiter in or around the stations.
  • No political meetings or gatherings of persons not members of the Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency will be permitted in stations without the permission of the Authority having jurisdiction.
  • Members of the Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency shall not be permitted to lounge upon the outside of their respective stations while in view of the public. 
  • No information relative to the affairs of the Department shall be disclosed, except as authorized by the Department. 
  • Profanity, immoral or indecent language, by members shall not be tolerated, nor will any disrespectful language spoken to or of any individual member.
  • Property of the Department shall not be loaned to anyone without permission. When loan is permitted, a record must be kept of who has borrowed the equipment, and when it is to be returned.
  • Members of the Department shall promptly obey, observe and carry out all orders issued by an officer or incident commander.
  • When any firefighter is detailed to act in the capacity an officer, he/she shall carry all of the authority of that position.
  • Members changing their place of residence or telephone number must notify their HRIS Support Staff, District Chief, Composite Chief, or Fire Chief immediately.
  • Any officer or member who shall feel aggrieved at orders given or by treatment accorded him/her by any other officer or member may prefer written charges against such officer or member to the Chief Director or designate. Such charges shall state all the facts in connection with the order or treatment complained of.
  • Members must not directly or indirectly solicit any political influence or intercession of their friends with the Chief Director to affect their transfer or promotion.
  • Officers and members of the Fire Service must take notice of all violations of the rules and prefer, or cause to be preferred, charges against the person so violating, forwarding them to the Chief Director of the Fire Service.
  • The buildings and property of this Fire Department shall be kept in orderly, clean and well regulated condition at all times.
  • The Annual Cleaning Schedule for the Core Stations which is released in the spring of each year shall be followed. Platoon responsibilities will rotate each year by moving the bottom platoon to the top of the list to ensure that all platoons rotate through the list of assignments equally.
  • The telephones and computers in the stations are primarily for department business. 
  • Personal long distance calls must be made with a calling card. Anyone who needs to make a call by any other means, must notify their Officer / Fire Chief or designate, and record the date and time of the call so the bill can be forwarded to the member. 
  • Grounds around the stations shall be kept neat with grass being cut as needed.
  • Frontages and walkways shall be kept clean and clear of ice and snow.
  • Interior of stations shall present a neat and clean appearance at all times.
  • No unauthorized advertising matter, posters, private notices or other disfigurements shall be posted or permitted anywhere on the premises.
  • Coffee breaks, noon and evening meal times shall be at the discretion of the station officer, considering station workload, training requirements and any other activity required of station members.
  • All members shall be responsible for all Department tools, equipment and property and shall not misuse or remove from the premises, without proper authorization, any tool, equipment, record or other materials.


This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the rules and regulations of HRFE.