Date of Issue: 1997/09/03
Revision Date: 1999/09/30; 2001/12/13
Forms Required:
To define the use, maintenance, and repair of equipment and facilities, as well as, a system of regulations and procedures.
This policy will allow for the orderly and acceptable conduct of all members, both career and volunteer.
This policy applies to all volunteer and career members.
The rules and regulations herein contained are intended for general guidance of the Fire & Emergency and do not cover every specific act of duty that might arise.
When a situation arises for which no specific rule or regulation has been provided, then common sense and judgement must be used in handling it.
Ignorance of the rules and regulations is not an excuse for noncompliance, as it is the duty of all members to acquaint themselves thoroughly with the rules and regulations of the Fire & Emergency.
Rules and Regulations of the Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency
This policy shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the rules and regulations of HRFE.