OG 4054 Commericial Structure Fires

Issued By: OPERATIONS (S. Thurber)
Approved By: Fire Chief William H. Mosher     
Date of Issue: 2011/01/05


To give the Incident Commander (IC) a list of actions that must be considered when responding to a commercial structure fire.


The Incident Commander will follow the proper list of actions when responding to a commercial fire. 


This operating guideline applies specifically to the Incident Commander at emergency scenes but as this position may change between members it is recommended that all career and members review and understand the procedure to be followed.


Commercial Fires

Fires in commercial buildings present some particular problems in firefighting operations. Most of these problems are related to the large open floor plan, accessibility, common ceiling space (cocklofts), drop ceiling space (plenum) and high fire loads.

1.    Additional resources must be called immediately at the first sign of a working fire.
2.    Spot apparatus outside potential collapse zone
3.    A sufficient water supply must be established.
4.    The IC must ask for a roof report.
5.    If the fire load is high, the roof construction is lightweight truss and the smoke indicates a large working fire go DEFENSIVE.
6.    If the roof report indicates fire in the trussed attic space, go DEFENSIVE.
7.    A unit must be assigned to supply the Fire Department connection if one exists.
8.    Consider deployment of 2 ½ attack lines and use reach of stream to fight fires from safe areas.
9.    Always enter the building with a charged hose line.
10.    Pay attention to smoke or concealed spaces overhead. 
11.    Open flat roofs as soon as structural members in types 3 or 4 construction are being affected by the fire.
12.    Vent roof over fire area if fire has extended to common cocklofts. 
13.    Never extend attack line more than 200 feet into an Immediate Danger Life Hazard (IDLH) atmosphere or an area that has the possibility of becoming an IDLH atmosphere. If the fire cannot be reached, find another way.
14.    Open up second and third means of egress.


This operating guideline shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the procedure followed for commercial structure fires.