Issued By: OPERATIONS (S. Thurber)
Approved By: Fire Chief William H. Mosher
Date of Issue: 2011/01/05
During all emergency events, the potential for taking a turn for the worse is always present. The ability of the Incident Commander (IC) to manage these unexpected events is directly affected by their level of personnel on scene. This would include any event that requires the immediate insertion of resources to bring it to a successful conclusion, i.e. Mayday, sudden fire extension to uninvolved areas, or any other tasks assigned by the IC.
To ensure that IC’s consider the appropriate level of resources required and ensure a tactical reserve for unexpected contingencies (committed, on-deck and staged resources).
To ensure the safety of HRFE members when responding to any incident by ensuring the appropriate level of resources are requested.
This operating guideline applies specifically to the Incident Commander at emergency scenes but as this position may change between members it is recommended that all career and members review and understand the procedure to be followed.
• In the event of a working fire, the IC will once initial assignments are given and crews are working, establish a staged resource sector.
• The IC will bring the appropriate number of crews forward from staging in full PPE to remain On Deck.
• These crews shall remain intact and are able to complete peripheral tasks, such as laddering the building, dragging of hose lines, or any other task assigned by the IC. They will however be available for immediate use should there be a need to relieve crews inside, reinforce crews inside, or provide a Rapid Intervention Crew (RIC) for downed or missing crews.
• These on deck crews will be maintained throughout the event and replaced with fresh crews as they are utilized.
• The On Deck crews will become a term that all will equate with this position. Once ordered On Deck by an IC, station officers will know what is expected. They will position themselves at the Command board or where it is deemed beneficial by the IC. They will remain On Deck until assigned or released by the IC. All On Deck crews will be in full PPE and equipped to perform any task as assigned.
• OG 4049 Residential Structure Fires
• OG 7004 HAZMAT Responsibilities
• OG 4021 Carbon Monoxide Incidents
• OG 4062 On Deck/Rapid Intervention Crew Model
This operating guideline shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the procedure followed for tactical reserve.