Issued By: Deputy Chief of Operations (Gray)
Approved By: Chief Stuebing
Date of Issue: 2011/01/05
Revision Date: 2018/10/23
To define the standard actions for arriving apparatus (engines, tankers, aerials, tactical support) when arriving to working structure fires in areas serviced by either wet or dry hydrants.
To increase operational efficiency and safety by defining the procedure and standard actions for the initial arriving apparatus for residential structure fires.
All operational members of HRFE.
The following tactical priorities are to be considered at every structure fire. After completing the size-up, the sequence of these operations will depend on the critical fire-ground factors encountered:
• Size up (360 if possible) Always first
• Rescue/Life Safety
• Exposure Protection
• Confinement
• Extinguishment
• Overhaul
• Ventilation
• Salvage
Risk Management - When considering rescue, we risk a lot to save a lot and we risk nothing to save nothing. We write off property that is lost and protect exposed property based on the most dangerous direction of fire spread.
• Upgrading the alarm level or requesting additional resources early during a structure fire both, significantly improves the safety of firefighters and ensures appropriate resources and tactical reserve to successfully manage the fire.
• Upon notification, Volunteer members will respond promptly and safely to their assigned station to gather the necessary PPE, equipment and apparatus before responding to any structure fire.
Unless otherwise ordered by the IC or Division Commander, initial arriving units shall complete the following standard actions, all other arriving units will level two stage and report to the IC:
First Due Engine/Quint/Tanker (IC -Attack pumper)
Whenever possible, the first arriving unit should approach the structure to observe three sides and position apparatus to allow for efficient hose deployment, while considering the placement of follow-on units.
Throughout the fire, the IC is responsible to ensure the following benchmarks are completed and reported over the radio to Dispatch:
• Establish Command (Arrival Report)
• Complete 360
• Follow up report
• Water supply established
• Accountability established
• 20-minute PAR report
• Primary search complete
• Fire under control
• Secondary search complete
• Fire out
• Command transfer or terminate
Offensive Strategy - Unless there is an obvious rescue, initial attack efforts will be directed toward running an attack line to support primary search/rescue and fire control.
Defensive Strategy – For defensive operations, the IC must focus on establishing master streams and ensuring a sustainable water supply.
Second Arriving Engine/Quint/Tanker
Unless otherwise assigned by the IC, the second due unit will:
• Hydrant Areas- Locate a hydrant and drop a feed to the first due unit.
• In non-hydrant areas:
o 2nd arriving unit will position behind the attack pumper and nurse using large diameter (LD) hose. As soon as reasonably possible, LD supply hose will be run from the 2nd unit to a gated wye to accept a feed from incoming tankers.
o If the attack pumper is positioned down a long driveway or lane, the 2nd arriving unit will lay-in LD hose from the road. A LD gated wye will be placed at the entry point to accept a feed from tankers.
• Advance a second handline to the fire floor or floor above the fire.
Arriving Tankers – Non-hydrant Area
Water Supply Officer - As soon as practical, the IC will designate a water supply officer to establish and co-ordinate the water supply. Once established, water supply should be moved to a separate operations channel.
• 1st due tanker will connect to and feed the LD gated wye.
• 2nd due tanker will connect to and feed the available side of the LD gated wye.
• Subsequent arriving tankers will be staged and called upon to connect and feed the available side of the LD gated wye to maintain a water supply.
Fill Site Engine (Source Site) – Non-hydrant area
As soon as a tanker shuttle or relay is deemed necessary, an engine not required for on-scene operations will be directed to the nearest water supply to set up fill site operations.
This water supply may be achieved or supplemented by the following:
• Port-a-tank: Tankers will be used to shuttle water to the port-a-tank set-up. Nursing will continue until the port-a-tank system is full and operating.
• Relay Pumping: If an appropriate water source (dry hydrant or drafting site) is close to the fire scene and can be accessed by a pumper, the engine or tanker may feed the LD gated wye to the attack pumper with hi-volume supply hose.
• Portable Pumps - if an appropriate water supply is available and cannot be accessed by an engine or tanker, a portable pump may be established and connected to the attack pumper or LD gated wye.
First Arriving Tactical Unit
• Set up Command Board and establish Level II Accountability
• Set-up RIC Kit near fire scene
• Set-up air supply area
• Cordon off safety perimeter with yellow tape
First Arriving Aerial
If initial responding units include a Quint or aerial platform, this resource should be staged or positioned so that aerial operations may be utilized if needed:
• Position the apparatus to allow access to the roof
• Conduct rescue if required.
• Provide IC with roof report.
Second IC or Division Commander
• Transfer of Command procedure
• CAAN Reports
• Request additional resources (3 deep; assigned, on deck, and staged)
• Re-assess IAP and continue with Benchmarks
• Assign Safety sector
• Remain in constant communication with the Water Supply Officer to ensure that the IAP does not exceed the available water supply
• OG 4053 Tactical Reserve
• OG 4031 Volunteer Response to Incidents
• OG 4043 Establish/Transfer/terminate Command
• Rural Water Supply Procedure Manual
This operating guideline shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments made to the procedure to be followed for residential structure fires.