OG 4043 Establish Transfer Terminate Command

Issued By: Deputy Chief Andrews    
Approved By: Chief Stuebing
Date of Issue: 2011/01/05
Revision Date: 2021/04/14

To establish procedures to assume, transfer and terminate command. It also defines the required format for early radio reports.

To enhance operational efficiency and situational awareness by standardizing procedures. 

All HRFE personnel

It shall be the responsibility of the first arriving Fire Service member to establish command at all incidents.  

Initial Arrival Report:

The Radio Report shall include:

1. Unit designation arriving on scene and repeat address;
Example: Dispatch this is 12 quint, 12 quint arrival, 123 Main St.

2. Building/Area description;

Example: We have a (small, medium, Large, Extra-large) (1 story, 2 story, 3 story) (house, apartment, strip mall, commercial, mixed occupancy)

3. Describe the problem;
Example: With a working fire, flame and or smoke showing on the second floor, nothing showing, etc.

4. Actions being taken Initial (IAP);
Example: We are running a line to the alpha side for search and rescue and fire attack. 

5. Declaration of the strategy;
Example: We will be operating in the Offensive/ Defensive strategy.

6. Establish and naming of Command;
Ex. Officer (insert Name) will be Main St. Command.

7. Resource Determination;
Example: Hold all units, send the balance of the Alarm, etc.

The request for additional resources must happen at the beginning of the event, where our window of opportunity has the greatest chance for success.

Follow Up Radio Report:

Once command has been established and the IC has completed their size up and 360, a follow up report is necessary.

This follow-up radio report shall include:

1.    360’ Results and Safety Concerns
Example: 360 Complete, we have a walk out basement with 400 lb propane tank on the Charlie/Delta corner, Power lines down in driveway

2.    Accountability location:
Example: Accountability will be located on the Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta side.

3.    Communicate changes to IAP as a result of 360
Example: We have a working basement fire and will re-deploy the line to the Charlie side

Transfer of Command:

Command is transferred to improve the quality and safety of the Command organization.

A.    The first fire department member arriving on the scene will assume Command.

B.    Command may be transferred to the next Company Officer if the situation warrants (see below) 
C.    Command will be transferred to the first arriving Operational Chief Officer 


Should a situation occur where a Mayday is declared before Command is transferred to a Strategic IC, the next arriving company Officer will assume command and initiate Mayday procedures as per OG 4059.  

Loss of Communications
Should a situation occur where the second arriving Company or Command officer cannot locate or communicate with the initial IC (after several radio attempts), they will assume and announce their assumption of Command and initiate whatever actions are necessary to mitigate the situation or confirm the safety of the missing crew.


A.    The officer assuming Command will communicate with the person being relieved over the radio.

B.    The officer taking Command will confirm the following with the initial IC: 
1.    Deployment and assignments of operating companies and personnel.
2.    CAAN report from the initial IC
3.    When CAAN is received the second or strategic IC will verbally assume command over the radio and confirm the strategy. 

C.    Considerations of the strategic IC:
•    Identify critical fire-ground factors
•    Re-Assess risk and confirm IAP
•    Confirm Appropriate Strategy
•    Assign tactical objectives
•    Monitor critical fire-ground factors and revise IAP accordingly.

A Chief Officer may elect to have a subordinate continue in the role of Incident Commander, if in the Chief Officer’s assessment, the situation is under control.

Termination of Command:
Command of the emergency will be retained by a Fire Service member until: 
•    The emergency is totally mitigated, or 
•    The scene is turned over to another agency i.e. Police, or
•    The property is deemed safe and ownership returned to the Property owner via property release form. If the property requires some degree of mitigation to ensure that it remains in a safe condition, these shall be written on the Property Release and explained to the property owner.

The formal termination of command like all other functions of command must be declared via the radio. This will formally conclude the Fire Services involvement in this incident.


•    OG 4046 Offensive/Defensive Strategy for Structural Fire
•    OG 4059  May Day Procedures


This operating guideline shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the procedure followed to establish, transfer and/or terminate command.