OG 4040 Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) Operations

Issued By: OPERATIONS (B. Clarke)    
Approved By: Fire Chief William H. Mosher
Date of Issue: 2010/05/10

Forms Required:    
•    FD- 013A 
•    Work Orders


To establish guidelines for the safe and professional operation of Off Highway Vehicles (OHV) owned and operated by Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE).


Off Highway vehicles which are owned and operated by HRFE will be used in a safe and professional manner.


This operating guideline applies to career and volunteer members of HRFE. 


•    All operators of the Off Highway Vehicles (OHV) must have a valid Nova Scotia

•    Drivers Licence. OHV operators shall successfully complete the approved department training and job skills prior to operating the OHV. Training will be conducted by HRFE Training Division or it’s designate. Training and operation of the OHV shall be restricted to eligible firefighters who are assigned to a station equipped with OHV’s. Firefighters from other stations will not operate the OHV but may ride as passengers.

•    OHV’s will only be operated on existing trails and pathways large enough to accommodate the size of the OHV. Operating on public roads may only occur under emergency conditions and only under direction from the Incident Commander, or during designated special events authorized by the Chief Director. The vehicle shall not be put in situations that may cause safety issues for operators, passengers or possible damage to the machines or the destruction of property/turf/trees. 

•    If damage occurs that effects the operation of the vehicle, it will be reported to the Mechanical Division immediately and a Work Order shall be completed and submitted. 

•    Also, in all cases of near miss or damage to the vehicle, Form “FD-013A” shall be completed and sent to the Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency Safety Division as soon as possible.

•    When travelling in the OHV personnel will ride only in a designated seating positions equipped with seatbelts only. When the OHV is in motion, all occupants shall wear; Seatbelts, approved PPE, either structural firefighting gear or wild land firefighting gear, and protective headwear with chin straps. Eye protection consisting of goggles and/or face shields, and gloves.

•    Any passengers who are unfamiliar with the units will receive a safety briefing before embarking, from the operator. This briefing will include all safety and PPE concerns while travelling in the OHV. At no time, while the OHV is in motion are passengers to ride in any cargo area. Patients secured in the “Stokes” stretcher are the only exception. Patient attendants shall follow closely but never ride in the Cargo Box.

•    When using the OHV in the vicinity of railroad tracks, have the Dispatcher notify the railroad as per OG 4009 that you are in the vicinity of the tracks and practice extreme caution during operation. Never operate directly on a rail bed, stay alongside and only cross at level crossings.

•    OHVs may be assigned to various special events and details. Operation of the OHV(s) during these events shall be by trained operators only.


•    OG 4009 Emergencies on and Around C.N.R Property
•    P-304 Assessment of Vehicle operations
•    P-604 Safe Operation of HRFE Vehicles


This operating guideline shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the procedure followed for safe and professional operation of HRFE Off Highway Vehicles.