OG 4039 Forestry Pump, Tank Skid Loads

Issued By: OPERATIONS (B. Clarke)    
Approved By: Fire Chief William H. Mosher
Date of Issue: 2010/03/11


To establish a guideline for the safe use of Forestry Pump/Tank Skid Loads at wildland fires.


Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency members will utilize Forestry Pump and/or Skid Loads in a safe and effective manner. 


This operating guideline applies to career and volunteer members of Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency.


•    Operators of light apparatus with a “Forestry Pump / Tank Skid Load” installed on the unit must have a valid Nova Scotia Drivers Licence with at least a Class (5). A minimum of two (2) crew, who have been trained in its use, are required to operate the unit. Training on the operation of the units will be issued by Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE) Training Division or its designate.

•    The operation of apparatus that have a forestry pump / tank skid load shall be on sound surfaces such as logging or forestry roads, and areas as requested by the Incident Commander. These surfaces must accommodate the size and support the weight of the apparatus, must be free of obstacles that could damage any part of the unit such as the underside, sides, roof, etc. The vehicle shall not be put in situations that may be considered a safety issue such as steep inclines, restricted egress, or in proximity that crew and apparatus could be engulfed by smoke or flames.

•    A crews positioning on the vehicle shall only be in the designated seating positions with the seat belts fastened. When responding to and conducting wildland operations the appropriate wildland personal protective equipment shall be worn. 

•    If operating the vehicle in the vicinity of railway tracks, extreme caution shall be used. Crews shall request Dispatch to contact Canadian National Railway (CNR) to notify them that you are in the vicinity of the railway tracks. Crews must never operate the vehicle directly on a rail bed; they must remain along-side. Daily Vehicle Inspections (DVI’s) shall be completed in accordance with Policy P-501

•    Detailed Vehicle Inspection and only the equipment noted on the DVI sheet is to be carried. Additional equipment is not permitted.


•    P-501 Detailed Vehicle Inspection
•    OG 4009 Emergencies in and around C.N.R Property


This operating guideline shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the procedure to be followed for the use of forestry pumps and/or skid loads.