OG 4038 Water Rescue Operations

Issued By: OPERATIONS (S. Thurber)    
Approved By: Fire Chief William H. Mosher
Date of Issue: 2009/11/30


To establish the methods used by Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE) for the timely and effective search and rescue of citizens at water emergency scenes, while protecting the safety of all HRFE members.


HRFE members will, in a timely, safe and effective manner, proceed with the rescue of citizens at water emergency.


This operating guideline applies to all water rescue emergency scenes with the exception of surface ice rescue (see OG 4032 “Ice Rescue”).


•    “Deep Water” means any water which is more than waist deep.

•    “PFD” means a personal flotation device, with an approval mark from Transport Canada or the Canadian Coast Guard and which is in suitable condition to provide emergency flotation to a rescuer.


The safe and efficient search and rescue of persons in water shall be conducted by HRFE members, while protecting the safety of our members.

Rescue Protocol and Methods

If you are called to a water rescue emergency, consider each of these three rescue methods in order: 

1)    REACH Members may, while standing safely on shore, reach out to a person in distress with any tool or improvised object such as a pike pole, and assist that person to shore.

2)    THROW Members may throw ropes (purpose made throw ropes or improvised utility lines) to a person in distress. The members should instruct the person to secure themselves to the rope, and then gently pull the person to shore. 

Members should practice the THROW techniques frequently, before an emergency.
Practice and familiarity with rope throw bags and proper techniques will allow accurate and efficient deployment of the rope, which will speed the rescue. Victims should be instructed to wrap the rope around their body or arm to help them hang on. This is important for a victim in cold water who may have reduced grip strength.

3)    ROW Members may launch a boat to approach and recover the person in distress.
Members in a boat should still use reach and throw techniques to allow a conscious victim to be pulled toward the boat. Firefighters should encourage a conscious person to climb into the boat. Our members should assist that person once they have a hand hold on the boat.

The boat operator should approach the person in water from downwind whenever possible. It is vital that the propellers not be turning (throttle in neutral) when the boat is close to the person in the water.

Lifting slings or ropes may be used to lift an unconscious person into a boat. Members should be properly trained and equipped for this technique.

Safety Precautions Required for Water Rescue:
Consider and apply these safety precautions during any water rescue emergency or training session:
•    Personal flotation is required. Any member who is in a boat or is operating in an area where they might fall into deep water must wear personal floatation. A PFD is the minimum floatation acceptable.
•    Entry into the water is not allowed. HRFE members must not enter “deep water” as part of a rescue attempt.
•    Members operating a boat must have at least a Pleasure Craft Operators Card and have received suitable practice on the boat. See the procedure manual “Operation of Single Outboard Inflatable Boats”. 
•    Any member who is operating on a shoreline where there is a risk of slipping or tripping must wear a helmet with a chinstrap. An NFPA approved or CSA approved helmet is acceptable.
•    The use of boats not owned and operated by HRM should be considered as a last resort only. Any member operating a “borrowed” boat must have a Pleasure Craft Operator Card and reasonable experience operating that type of boat. Personal floatation must be  
worn by all persons on the boat. Members using a “borrowed boat” must ensure that it is safe to use, and has the minimum required safety equipment. (See OG 4035 “Use of External Equipment”)


•    OG 4035 Use of External Equipment
•    P-422 Halifax Harbour Fire/Rescue Boat
•    OG 4035 Use of External Equipment


This operating guideline shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the procedure utilized for water emergency incidents.