Date of Issue: 2001/11/29
Volunteer members live within the community they serve. In addition to firefighting, their training in first aid and CPR can save lives when those skills are applied in a timely manner. Occasionally, volunteer members must decide whether they should respond to the Station, or whether it may be better to respond directly to the emergency scene.
To ensure a safe working environment for volunteer members and to provide clear direction and define the conditions, for which a member may respond directly to an emergency scene.
To ensure that volunteer members operate in a safe and prudent manner while providing the highest level of service to the citizens they serve.
This operating guideline applies to all volunteer members of HRFE.
• Upon notification, volunteer members will respond promptly and safely to their assigned station to gather the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and apparatus before responding as a crew to any emergency.
• Privately owned Motor vehicles (POMV’s) have no special rights when responding to the station or to emergency incidents. Members must follow the posted speed limits and comply with all motor vehicle regulations. POMV’s equipped with warning lights and sirens must follow appropriate provisions of Policy 603 “Emergency Operation of Vehicles”
• Members will respond and work in formed crews at fire emergencies. Crews will be supervised by an Officer for interior operations.
• Members should work in pairs at medical calls. This both assures the safety of our members and protects them from any wrongful accusations from customers. If any violence risk indicators are present, (See Safe Work Practice 005 “Violence Prevention”) members will stage upon arrival, or cease patient care and withdraw immediately to safe location and await the arrival of Police.
• For the health and safety of volunteer members, dirty or contaminated bunker gear shall not be transported in personal vehicles.
1. The member would otherwise have to pass the emergency scene on the way to the station and their early intervention would likely have a positively affect on the outcome of the event. (cardiac arrest, respiratory distress or severe bleeding)
2. The member must have the PPE appropriate for the incident in accordance with Policy P-607.
3. No reports or signs of violence or weapons are indicated. If reported, volunteer members will not enter the property and should wait for police.
4. Members will position their vehicle in a location that will be out of the way of responding apparatus or emergency vehicles and will not pose a hazard to other vehicle traffic.
Actions on arrival:
• If a volunteer member arrives first at a medical emergency, they will establish command, don PPE and offer medical aid.
• If EHS is already on scene, volunteer members will identify themselves as an HRFE firefighter, don PPE and assist as directed.
• If HRFE apparatus are already on scene, members will don PPE and identify themselves to the IC to be tasked as necessary.
1. If all apparatus from member’s assigned station have already responded, the member may proceed directly to the incident location. Upon arrival, the member will:
a) Park their personal vehicle in a location that will be out of the way of other responding apparatus or emergency vehicles, and will not pose a hazard to other vehicle traffic.
b) Have appropriate personal protective equipment available and donned before approaching the hazard area
c) Check-in through Accountability or identify themselves to the IC to be:
• Assigned to a crew supervised by an Officer for interior operations
• Assigned to an exterior task or assignment
2. If the Station Chief would otherwise have to pass the emergency scene on the way to the station they may respond directly to the incident location, establish command and begin initial size-up.
• P-607 PPE
• P-603 “Emergency Operation of Vehicles”
• OG 4002 Medical PPE
• OG 4043 Establish/Transfer/Terminate Command
• Safe Work Practice 005 “Violence Prevention”
This operating guideline shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the procedure followed by volunteers when responding to incidents.