OG 4022 Response to Bomb Threats Explosive Devices or Active Aggressor

Issued By: Brian Gray, Deputy Chief Operations
Approved By: Doug Trussler, Fire Chief
Date of Issue: 1996/10/06
Revision Date: 2016/05/05


Incidents involving bomb threats, explosive devices or active aggressors fall under the direct authority of Halifax Regional Police (HRP) or RCMP.  Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE) will only respond to these incidents when specifically requested to do so and will operate in a supporting role until the threat has been stabilized or cleared.  Police will often request and stage HRFE to allow time to develop plans should an explosion occur or to assist Emergency Health Services (EHS) with the care of any patients.   


The purpose of this Operating Guideline is to provide direction to HRFE members should they encounter or are dispatched to an incident involving a bomb threat, explosive device or active aggressor.  


The objective of this Operating Guideline is to ensure the safety and security of HRFE members when encountering or responding to such incidents.  


This operating guideline applies to all Members of HRFE. 


An Active Aggressor is a person intent on causing harm, actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area.  In most cases, an active aggressor will use firearms, but may possess other weapons, including bombs, chemicals or the use of fire.   Usually there is no pattern or method to the selection of their victims.  



1.    Should HRFE members be made aware of a bomb threat or discover an explosive device while attending an incident, they should immediately cause the evacuation of that area or building and retreat to a safe distance of 1000 meters. 

HRFE members will then communicate to Dispatch and request the appropriate Police response.  If possible the location and physical description of the device will be provided.  Any witnesses or individual reporting the threat should be identified to Police. 
2.    If HRFE is requested by Police to attend such an incident, the Station Officer shall confirm the following by means of communication with police and/or Dispatch before leaving the Station:

a.    The specific nature of the call
b.    The specific resources requested by the police service
c.    The specific location of the incident
d.    The location of the staging area for fire apparatus and personnel (minimum of 1,000 meters from incident and outside of Police Perimeter)
e.    Confirm the Division Commander(s) have been notified of the incident and are responding

3.    Apparatus will respond Code 3 and park in the staging area.  All personnel shall remain with the apparatus until they are assigned a task.

4.    The Station Officer will report their arrival to Dispatch and locate the Incident Command Post for an update by Police authorities.  This meeting will often be face-to-face.

5.    The appropriate Division Commander will respond to the scene and liaise directly with the Police IC and direct HRFE resources. Until their arrival, the HRFE officer will provide the Division Commander with any updates and seek authorization before acting.   

6.    Any time HRFE resources encounter or are requested to a bomb threat or explosive device, the Division Commander will request the notification of the Fire Executive Management Team (FST).  

7.    HRFE personnel shall not participate in the search for any bombs or other explosive devices, nor will they enter the established warm or hot zone, until it has been cleared by Police. 


1.    Active aggressor situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly.  HRFE members should always be aware of their surroundings and the potential signs of an active aggressor:
a.    Threats on social media
b.    Angry or disturbed persons making threats
c.    People running and screaming 
d.    The sound of gun shots
e.    Building in lock down
f.    Heavily armed Police presence

2.    Should HRFE members be made aware, observe signs or encounter an active aggressor, they should quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect their own lives.  HRFE members should not activate building alarm systems as occupants may conclude that the building is safe to evacuate:

     EVACUATE- The best option

You should:
a.    Notify Dispatch, when it is safe to do so  
b.    Warn any individuals you encounter to not enter the area. 
c.    Leave equipment or belongings behind. 
d.    Have your escape route and plan in mind. 
e.    Provide care or evacuate wounded only when it can be accomplished safely
f.    If possible, assist other able-bodied people in fleeing. 
g.    Comply with all law enforcement requests. 
h.    Keep your hands visible and your fingers spread.

     HIDE- Next best option

     If an active aggressor is nearby, you should:
a.    Remain silent and still. 
b.    Silence your radio, cell phone and other electronic devices. 
c.    If possible, lock the door to whatever room you are hiding in. Do not unlock the door for anyone at any time. Tell the police that you will wait for them to retrieve a key to the room. 
d.    Blockade the door with heavy furniture. 
e.    Make sure you remain out of the shooter’s view. 
f.    Stay away from any windows. 
g.    If the windows are equipped with curtains, close them. 

     TAKE ACTION/FIGHT BACK- Last resort    

     Only when face-to-face with an armed active aggressor should you:
a.    Attempt to incapacitate the active aggressor
b.    Act quickly and with physical aggression  
c.    Throw items to distract, disorient, or disarm the shooter.
d.    Yell and wave your arms to startle the shooter.
e.    Evacuate or hide 


1.    If HRFE is requested by Police to attend an active aggressor incident, the Station Officer shall confirm the following by means of communication with police and/or Dispatch before leaving the Station:
a.    The specific nature of the call
b.    The specific resources requested by the police service
c.    The specific location of the incident
d.    The location of the staging area for fire apparatus and personnel 
(At least 1,000 meters from the incident location and outside of Police Perimeter)
e.    Confirm that Division Commander(s) have been notified of the incident and are responding

2.    Apparatus will respond Code 3 and park in the staging area (at least 1,000 meters from the incident location and out of direct line of site) using apparatus as a shield between HRFE members and the incident. 
    a.     Run silent, no lights or siren
b.     While on route use cell phone or MDT to receive updates
c.     Slow down when approaching the staging area and conduct a 360 survey 
d.     Report suspicious situations or people to Dispatch
e.     Avoid stacking resources in one location where they could become a target.
f.     All personnel shall remain with the apparatus until they are assigned a task.
g.     Donn bunker gear and helmet to be easily identified as a Firefighter.

3.    The Station Officer will report their arrival to Dispatch and locate the Incident Command Post for an update by Police authorities.  This meeting will often be face-to-face.

4.    The appropriate Division Commander will respond to the scene and liaise directly with the Police IC and direct HRFE resources. Until their arrival, the HRFE officer will provide the Division Commander with any updates and seek authorization before acting.   

5.    Any time HRFE resources respond to an active aggressor incident, the Division Commander will request the notification of the Fire FST.  

6.    HRFE members may consider an active aggressor incident as similar to a Haz Mat incident in terms of areas of operation:

         OG 4022
    HOT ZONE – 
    Hazard area or life threat from active aggressor.  
    HRFE members shall not operate in this area. 

Area that has been cleared by Police where there is mitigated threat.  Operations area for Police only.
HRFE members shall not operate within this area.

Area cleared by Police, safe area of Operations for HRFE (patient triage, treatment and transport, Incident Command Post).


When a multi-agency response is requested, Dispatch is able to AUTOGENERATE an HRFE call from an existing Police call.  This Fire call will be generated with the same narrative and be linked to the original Police call.  Supplemental updates are then able to be added to both calls for a “joint” response, thus improving situational awareness between agencies.   

a.    Police and Fire units will continue to communicate and receive updates from their respective Dispatchers.  
b.    Until the threat has been mitigated, Mutual aid channels will not be shared with Police Operations, however may be requested for logistical support or between HRFE and EHS for patient coordination.

•    Safe Work Practice 005- Violence Prevention
•    OG 7001 Guidelines for 1st Responders to Dangerous Goods Incidents
•    OG 4033 Clandestine Drug Labs


This operating guideline will be reviewed when changes or amendments are made to the procedures for response to bomb threats, explosive devices or situations involving active aggressors.



ERT- Emergency Response Team, using specialized weapons and tactics (SWAT)

EOD- Explosive Ordinance Disposal Team

IED – Improvised Explosive Devices

Cleared – Area searched by Police and found to be free of bombs, explosives or active intruders

Cover – anything which is capable of physically protecting an individual from an explosive blast or gun fire 

Concealment - object or area which provides the benefit of stealth, without protection (cover)

Secure - to gain possession and control over an area or building 

Lock Down - A protocol followed in an emergency that involves confining people in a secure place (school lock down)

Triage- the assignment of degrees of urgency to wounds or illnesses, to decide the order of treatment of a large number of patients or casualties.

S.T.A.R.T. – Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment 

Triage Categories:    Green – only minor injuries (walking wounded)
            Yellow- Delayed care and transport (not red or green)                                                                                                                                                                                  Red- Immediate care and transport to advanced medical care
            Black - Deceased

Casualty Collection Point – Treatment Site location outside of the Police perimeter where patients are assembled, triaged, stabilized and evacuated for advanced medical care. 

Mass Casualty Incident- any incident in which emergency medical resources are overwhelmed by the number and severity of casualties.