OG 4011 Hose in Dryer

Issued By: OPERATIONS (B. Clarke)
Approved By: Fire Chief William H. Mosher 
Date of Issue: 1997/02/20
Revision Date: 2008/05/13


The purpose of this procedure is to express the proper drying procedure for woven jacket hose.


The objective of this operating guideline is to prevent damage to the jacket hose during the drying process. 


This operating guideline applies to career and volunteer members of Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency.


•    Woven jacket hose requires thorough drying before being reloaded on the apparatus.

•    Place hose to dry on the racking using the accordion fold and making sure hose is separated so it will dry.

•    Do not use donut roll in the drying cabinets.

•    Over drying can damage hose, therefore, dryer should be checked daily.


This operating guideline shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the proper procedure for drying the woven jacket hose.