OG 4009 Emergencies on and Around C.N.R Property

Issued By: OPERATIONS (S. Thurber)
Approved By: Fire Chief William H. Mosher 
Date of Issue: 1997/02/17
Revision Date: 2008/30/04


Whenever firefighting crews are involved in an emergency situation, i.e. brush fires, vehicle accidents, etc. in or around C.N.R. Property, IT IS IMPERATIVE that the Incident Commander communicate this information to the Dispatcher so that C.N.R. can be contacted immediately. It is of the utmost importance that this procedure be followed each and every time.


To aid in the safety of all firefighting personnel while operating in or around Canadian National Rail (CNR) Property and to provide a protocol for Train Stoppage.


Firefighters operating in or around CNR property will be doing so in a safe manner when following the given procedure. 


This operating guideline applies to career and volunteer firefighters with Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency. 


In the event of an emergency whereby it may be necessary to stop or slow a train, the Incident Commander shall contact Dispatch and provide the following information:

•    Reason for request
•    Location (check for mileage marker)
•    Approximate delay expected (best guess)

Ensure you receive confirmation from Dispatch that the rail company will comply with the request

NOTE: If personnel dealing with the emergency are in a position where they would not be able to move out of the way of unexpected train due to a nearby turn, elevation change, etc., ensure that an individual(s) is directed to stand up/down the tracks far enough to ensure the safety of personnel on site.


•    OG 4040 Off Highway Vehicle Operation
•    OG 4039 Forestry Pump/Tank Skid Loads


This operating guideline shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the procedure utilized for emergencies in and around CNR property.