OG 3010 Mini Pumper Operation

Approved By: Fire Chief William H. Mosher 
Date of Issue:  2009/05/20

Forms Required:    
•    FP-383 Mini Pumper Check List
•    FP-382 Mini Pumper Event Request Form
•    FD-013A Accident/Property Damage
•    Work Orders (as required)


To establish a guideline for the use of the Mini Pumper for an event as well as the safe and professional operation of the Mini Pumper (MP) and trailer owned and operated by Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE).


The Mini Pumper (and trailer) will be utilized in a safe and professional manner while at events and/or operations by HRFE. 


This operating guideline applies to career and volunteer firefighters with HRFE.


•    To request the Mini Pumper for an event, please fill out Form #FP-382 and submit the completed form to the Volunteer Fire Prevention Officer assigned to your zone. 

•    All operators of the Mini Pumper must have a valid Nova Scotia Driver’s License and have successfully complete the approved training and job skills program by HRFE Training Division prior to moving or operating the MP or trailer.

•    Only an approved HRM tow vehicle shall transport the MP and trailer. The Unit number shall be recorded on the Mini Pumper checklist Form FP-383.

•    The operator of the MP shall complete the pre check portion of the inspection sheet prior to moving the trailer. After the event, and before moving the trailer, the operator shall complete the post check portion of the checklist Form FP-383 sheet. The MP checklist sheet shall be faxed to the Mechanical Division after the pre check and post check are completed. 

•    Operation of the MP is not permitted on any public road and highway unless the road or highway has been closed to public vehicles for the special event. The road or highway must have proper barricades in place to signify the road or highway is closed.

•    In all cases of near miss or damage to the MP or trailer, form FD-013A shall be completed and sent to HRFE Safety Division as soon as possible.

•    If damage occurs that effects the operation of the MP or trailer, it shall be reported to the Mechanical Division as soon as possible.

•    When travelling in the Mini Pumper (MP), personnel will ride only in designated seating positions equipped with a seatbelt. The MP has two (2) designated seats to carry personnel.

•    Any passengers who are unfamiliar with the MP will receive a safety briefing from the operator covering safety and operating concerns prior to embarking. At no time, while the MP is in motion, are passengers authorized to ride on or in any area of the MP except for an approved seating area.


•    P-422 Halifax Harbour Fire/Rescue Boat
•    P-501 Detailed Vehicle Inspections


This operating guideline shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the use of the Mini Pumpers (and trailer) at events and operating by HRFE.