OG 1502 Maintainence of PPE

Issued By: EMERGENCY FLEET (D. Smith)
Approved By: Fire Chief William H. Mosher
Date of Issue:  1997/02/26
Revision Date:  1998/11/30; 2009/02/28


To establish guidelines for the proper maintenance of Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE). 


Personnel Protective Equipment shall be properly maintained to ensure the safety of members and personnel. 


All members are responsible for maintaining their Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) and they should be checked every shift for signs of wear and for cleanliness.


Personnel Protective Equipment is to be cleaned whenever it is soiled or at least once a year since dirt can compromise its protective qualities. It is not acceptable to continue wearing Personnel Protective equipment that may have been contaminated or is dirty. As sunlight deteriorates the material, it is recommended that any gear being transported in personal vehicles be enclosed in either green garbage bag(s) or a gear bag.

The following items: flash-hoods, fire gloves, suspenders, helmet liners, brush fire coveralls or boots are not included in this cleaning process. Everything except the fire gloves and boots may be cleaned in the station washers. In the event a washer is not available they may be cleaned in station utility sinks. Nomex items must only be washed with like fabrics and air dried. Poly/cotton clothes (station fatigues, job shirts) must not be included in the same wash. Fire boots and gloves may be cleaned in station utility sinks with soap and water. 


PPE that is damaged or soiled shall be reported immediately to your supervisor so that steps can be taken to have items repaired, replaced, or cleaned. Bunker Gear is cleaned at Station 4 (Lady Hammond Road) and Station 12 (Highfield Park Drive) or sent out for cleaning at Atlantic Bunker Gear which requires preapproval before being sent out. Gear can be dropped off at Stations 4 & 12, or you can fill out a Request Form and fax to the Logistics Division and Logistics will arrange to have it picked up.

Note: Atlantic Bunker Gear drop-offs must be preapproved. 

To have PPE Cleaned members must follow the following procedure:

1)    Remove all personal items from the bunker gear. Flashlights, spanners, rope, wedges etc. Lost items are the responsibility of the owner.

2)    Liners must be separated from the shell (pants and jacket). This will minimize cross contamination at our laundry facilities

3)    Ensure each piece of the disassembled gear is marked with your full name on the inside of liner and shell (pants and jacket) with an indelible marker.

4)    Place gear in a clear plastic bag (26x36) which will hold both the pants and jacket .
Note: Plastic bags are available from Stores.

5)    Seal the bag at the top with tag wires or tie in a knot.

6)    Tag the bag with a shipping tag: 
•    White or Tan tag for regular cleaning/repairs
•    Red Tag for contaminated i.e. Biological /petroleum products/asbestos.
•    In the event that your gear is possibly contaminated with asbestos or like product it should kept wet prior to bagging it. 

Note: Tags are available from Stores 4 3/4" x 2 3/8" Avery 15035 or equivalent.
This tag must contain the following information:
•    Name
•    Date required to be returned
•    The assigned Station
•    What needs to be done, cleaning or repair
•    If cleaning is required due to contamination, please state the nature of contamination. Please ensure proper personal protection is taken when bagging the contaminated gear.


NOTE: Gear will not be accepted for cleaning unless the tag contains all the required information. See above.

7) Allow three (3) working days for cleaning and drying of the gear. Individuals should Please take into consideration that Logistics Staff/Vendors do not work nights, weekends or holidays when planning to have gear cleaned.

To have PPE Repaired members must follow the following procedure:

1)    Use the same bagging and labelling procedure as above.

2)    Repairs to PPE are sent out for professional repair. Do not repair the gear yourself or have a Tailor do it.

3)    It will take 3-5 working days depending on the nature of the repairs. Please take into consideration that Logistics Staff /Vendors do not work nights, weekends or holidays when planning to have gear repaired. 

Individuals can arrange to drop off or pick up themselves at the vendor (Atlantic Bunker Gear, Main St) but Logistics must be notified by work order what repairs are needed and when it is dropped off. Specialized alterations to your bunker gear are not allowed without the express permission of the Logistics Division. If you drop it off and require Logistics to pick it up, please advise by fax or email so arrangements can be made prior to the morning you need it.


•    OG 4002 Cleaning and Disinfection of Equipment Exposed to Body Fluids
•    OG 4058 On Scene Contamination
•    P-607 PPE
•    OG 4023 Infectious Disease Control


This operating guideline shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the proper maintenance of personal protective equipment that is to be followed by HRFE members.