OG 1001 vehicle,equipment checks and Log Books

Issued By: EMERGENCY FLEET (P. McCulley)
Approved By: Fire Chief William H. Mosher
Date of Issue:  1997/03/05
Revision Date:  1998/11/17; 2009/01/07; 2009/12/09; 2010/01/11

Forms Required:    
•    FD-117 Apparatus Change Over
•    FD-067 Lost Damage Report


The purpose of this Operational Guideline is that Vehicle Log Books have been placed in all apparatus to provide a better means of communication between shift personnel, Officers and the Emergency Fleet Division.


Shift Personnel, Officers and the Emergency Fleet Division are better able to communicate due to the Vehicle Logs Books which are placed in all HRFE apparatus. 


This operating guideline applies to career and volunteer firefighters with Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency.


Apparatus drivers/operators of department vehicles will, on the beginning of their tour of duty, check the vehicle assigned and its equipment to determine its fitness for service. This log will be signed by the operator to ensure:

(a)    That the daily vehicle inspection is completed; and

(b)    That equipment assigned to the apparatus is present and serviceable.
Deficiencies are to be noted in the daily log and the page initialled by the person who has checked the apparatus and equipment.

Apparatus drivers/operators shall inform the Shift Officer of all deficiencies and these are to be passed on to Emergency Fleet Division, and also to be included on the Daily Report submitted to Administration. When equipment has been noted as “missing”, the reporting Shift Officer shall check to see if a FD-067 Loss Damage Report has been submitted, it not, the Shift Officer shall do so and forwarded to the Logistics Division. Apparatus drivers/operators shall be responsible for recording the following information daily in their log books.

(a) Mileage                                                                              (b) Engine hours
(c) Fuel and oil added                                                             (d) Equipment replaced, added or missing
(e) Equipment used at each incident                                      (f) All mechanical problems & repairs made
(g) List of vehicle movement.

When units are changed during a shift all equipment transferred will be recorded in the log book and on Form FD-117 Apparatus Change Over Form. This form shall be filled out and signed by the Officer and Driver. It is the responsibility of the driver/operator to ensure that, during changeovers, equipment is not lost in the shuffle.

In the event the apparatus in your station is to be put out of service, “ALL” tools and equipment are to be removed before the apparatus leaves the station and Form #FD-117 shall be filled out and signed by the Officer and Driver. The only exception to this will be the hose unless it is required on the replacement apparatus.

When equipment is stored on the apparatus floor, it shall be checked, record in the section on FD-117 “Daily Check of Equipment Left on the Floor” it should be checked and signed daily.

All repairs, maintenance or alterations to the vehicle or its equipment shall be documented in the log on the day they are conducted and initialled by the repair person and the Station Officer notified.

Log books will be checked periodically by the Station Officer.


•    P-421 Vehicle/Equipment Check List
•    P-502 Lending of Fire Department Equipment, Small Appliances & Tools
•    P-801 Volunteer Fire Fighter Support Positions
•    OG 5001 Exhaust Extraction System


This operating Guideline will be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the vehicle lob books which are placed in HRFE apparatus.