OG 0003 Fleet Fuel Cards

Issued By: Fire Chief Doug Trussler
Approved By: Fire Chief Doug Trussler
Date of Issue: May 29, 2017

Following the Auditor General’s report, recommendations were made to improve procedures for the use of fuel cards, tracking of fuel consumption and internal accountabilities. 

To establish procedures for the use and tracking of corporate fleet fuel purchasing cards and define the internal responsibilities of HRFE members when using these cards.   

To improve the accountability and management of this HRM inventory asset.    

All HRFE personnel involved in the use and management of fleet fuel cards.   


1.    Each Station Chief will establish procedures and define collection points for fuel card receipts for both career and volunteer members within the station.  Within Logistics and Fire Prevention the Division Captain will assume this responsibility.   

2.    During the first week of each month, Procurement will email to each Station Chief or Division Captain Logistics and Fire Prevention, an itemized statement of the fuel consumption, for the fuel card(s) assigned to apparatus within their station/Division.  This statement will also be cc. to the responsible Division Captain and Division Commander.

3.    By the 15th of each month, each Station Chief will reconcile their fuel consumption statement for that reporting period, with the fuel receipts within the station. (Division Captain for Logistics and Fire Prevention)  
a)    If the fuel consumption appearing on the statement is correct, the Station Chief /Division Captain will respond back to Procurement, via email to inventory@halifax.ca, approving the fuel consumption or identifying any errors.  The Station Chief will also cc. their Division Captain and Division Commander in this email.      

b)    The Station Chief/Division Captain Logistics or Fire Prevention will address any missing receipts with the appropriate members.

c)    In the absence of the Station Chief, the Division Commander will ensure the fuel statement is reconciled, approve the fuel usage to Procurement and mail the applicable receipts and statements as outlined below.   

4.    After approving the fuel consumption, the Station Chief /Division Captain Logistics or Fire Prevention will sign the statement, attach only the receipts necessary to reconcile the statement and place it in the provided self-addressed envelopes and mail it to Station 1, before the end of the month.    

To ensure appropriate accountability, should any receipts be missing, Station Chiefs will be required to provide a short explanation confirming that the fuel card usage was authorized, with an explanation for the missing receipt.   

5.    The Division Commander will ensure the Division Captains track the reporting by their respective Station Chiefs and ensure that each Station Chief approves the fuel consumption by the 15th of each month and follow up with late returns.   

6.    Once the envelopes are received at Station 1, the Financial Assistant will separate the contents of the station envelopes and forward fuel statements and receipts to Emergency Fleet for archiving.  


•    The identification of the responsible Station Chief, Division Captain and Division Commander will be updated on an annual basis or when changes occur.  This information will be maintained by the Operations Administrative Assistant and forwarded to Procurement. inventory@halifax.ca

•    Users of Fleet Fuel cards will print their Name and the Unit number on the receipt. 

•    Fuel Cards are assigned to specific apparatus and are to remain with that unit.  If changes occur, or to report cards that are missing or no longer work, please notify your Station Chief.

•    To request a replacement fuel card, the Station Chief/Division Captain will request via email to Firefleet@halifax.ca  and copy their Division Commander.  When a card request is submitted, the following information is required, reason for a new card, (IE: damaged, lost or not working) and the vehicle unit number it will be assigned to.    

•    Emergency Fleet will record changes in Fleet Focus and notify Procurement of any changes.
•    Fuel cards are only to be used for fuel purchases for the unit it is assigned.  No other purchases are acceptable on these cards.  The single use limit is $500 per transaction.  

•    Personal point or reward cards such as “Air Miles” are not permitted to be used in conjunction with these purchases.  

•    The user of the fleet fuel card is always responsible to return fuel receipts(s) to their Station Chief.   If a receipt is lost or misplaced, members should return to the point of purchase to get a duplicate copy of the receipt.  

•    Only the receipts for the given reporting period, to reconcile the fuel card statement, should be sent to Station 1.  Receipts should be held by the Station Chief until the fuel purchase appears on their monthly statement. Vendors will often be delayed in processing purchases, causing fuel card activity to miss reporting deadlines. 
•    Self-addressed station envelopes may also be used to return Alarm Notifications, credit card statements, travel receipts or other requests and reports.  These documents should be placed in the mail before the end of each month.  

•    Should additional self-addressed envelopes be required, they may be requested through the Operations Administrative Assistant.   


Station Chief/Division Captain Logistics or Fire Prevention    
•    Establish procedures for the collection of fuel receipts
•    Approve station fuel consumption by the 15th of each month to Procurement 
•    Reconcile and attach the reported receipts to the monthly statement
•    Mail completed statements to Station 1 by end of month
•    Appropriately address missing receipts with users 
•    Notify Emergency Fleet if fuel cards are missing or not working

Division Captain Rural:    
•    Monitor the reporting and approval of fuel card use by Station Chiefs within their Division for completion and timeliness 
•    Follow up as necessary
•    Report to Division Commander performance issues

 Division Commander:    
•    Monitor the reporting and approval of fuel card use
•    Address performance issues as required - Approve and reconcile statements and receipts in the absence of the Station Chief
•    Ensure Procurement and the Operations Administrative Assistant is notified if apparatus are permanently assigned to a new Station or Station Chief Appointments change 
•    Ensure missing or not working Emergency Fleet fuel cards are reported appropriately

Fuel Card Users:    
•    Use fuel cards according to Corporate Fleet Fuel Purchasing Policy and procedures outlined in this OG 
•    Print your name and Unit number on the receipt
•    Ensure receipts are provided to the Station Chief in a timely manner 
•    Attain duplicate copies of receipts if lost or misplaced
•    Report missing receipts to Station Chief 
•    Notify Station Chief if fuel cards are missing or not working

Emergency Fleet:    
•    Replace any missing or cards that are not working
•    Track assignment of Fuel card to unit number using Fleet Focus
•    Archive fuel statements and receipts  

•    Corporate Fleet Fuel Purchasing Card Policy 


This operating guideline will be reviewed whenever changes or amendments are made to the procedure for fleet fuel card use.