Issued By: ADMINISTRATION (M. Horton)
Approved By: Fire Chief William H. Mosher
Date of Issue: 2009/12/03
Forms Required:
• FD-256 Databook Posting Template
To maintain continuity and standardize the process for writing, approving and posting of Data Books to the internal page for communication purposes.
Data Books, posted to the internal page, will be standardized allowing for ease of communication within HRFE.
This operating guideline applies to career and volunteer members of Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency.
To write a databook, form FD-256 Databook Posting Template must be used. The template requires the following information:
1. Subject: The topic must be descriptive enough to allow searching for at a later date. For example include street names, product name, staff name, reason, etc. The subject does not need to be carried forward into the body of the databook; it does however need to be in the Header.
2. To: Who does this databook pertain to? Some examples of standard terms for address groups are:
a) All Fire Members for all members of our Fire Service.
b) Operations Personnel this would include all operational career and volunteer firefighting members
c) Stations 2-18
d) Stations 19-63
3. From: The person who is the principle author or source of information.
4. Date: The date memo was posted.
5. Body of Databook:
a. Be as concise and clear as possible.
b. Use lists or bullets if possible to keep information as easy to read as possible.
c. Salutations and Closings are not necessary (i.e. Dear..., or Kind Regards,)
d. If email address is listed, create a link to the email address.
e. If the content of the email is based on another website, information must be relayed in the actual databook. We cannot guarantee that an outside agency’s web page will be available to use at a later date. A link can be included for additional information but the majority of the message must be included in the actual databook.
6. Approval: Approval of the content must be obtained from Senior Management, including Chief Director, Deputy Chief, Assistant Deputy Chief, Office Coordinator, or Office Manager. This approval must be noted in the databook at the bottom, with their initials.
It is up to the individual Manager if they would like to have their Administrative Assistant (AA) review the databook at this point for proofreading, and ease of reading.
7. Initials: Of who completed the web site posting is required. This must be noted on the databook at the bottom, after the approval initials, following a backslash.
Once the databook has been written and approved for content, it may be forwarded to the email group “Databook Posting”. The file should be in Word Perfect format, using the Databook Posting Template and attached to the email. This group will include the Front Desk, File Room Clerk, and AA’s.
The “Databook Posting” group is responsible for grammar, spell checking, proofreading of the document before completing the process. All links to email addresses, web sites, along with other necessary contact information must be completed by this group.
A Manager may directly ask their AA to post a databook, but the majority of postings are the initial responsibility of the Front Desk Clerk with the File Room Clerk as their back up.
This operating guideline shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the standardized process used for posting Data Books for communication purposes.