OG 0001 Operating Guidelines Development Process

Issued By: ADMINISTRATION (D. Ellis)    
Approved By: Fire Chief William H. Mosher         
Date of Issue:  2009/01/01

Forms Required:    
•    Draft OG Form, http://www.halifax.ca/fire/internal/OGandPolicy.html#OG


The purpose of Operating Guidelines is to provide a framework for general operating procedures/activities. 


To ensure that procedures are carried out uniformly by all members of Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency.


This operating guideline applies to career and volunteer firefighters of Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency.


•    The Operating Procedures provides a guide to decision-making. The nature and complexities of our duties preclude a manual that provides an answer to all situations.
•    As many situations may invoke the exercising of individual discretion, initiative, and good judgement, deviations from the operating guideline may occur when circumstances create sufficient justification. Any deviation may be the subject of a review, and in the absence of sufficient justification, may result in appropriate action.
•    The development of a new Operating Guideline shall be completed by the Division where the need has been identified. The Division shall involve all stakeholders who are or will be impacted by the new procedure for input. Once the draft document has been fully vetted, then it shall be sent to the Division’s Supervisor for approval. Upon the Supervisor’s approval, the Supervisor shall forward to the Coordinator to finalize for FST approval and sign off.

•    Updates, minor changes, etc. to existing Operating Guidelines shall be sent to the Coordinator. The Coordinator will update and advise FST of the changes prior to implementation and issuance.


•    OG-0000 Purpose of Operating Guideline Manual


This operating guideline shall be reviewed when/if there are changes/amendments to the general operating procedures/activities.